
Sorry, My Fault


This is my first ever blog post for Scimatics! It’s very exciting. Anyways, this post is about Plate Tectonics. I don’t know how much you know about plate tectonics, so if you don’t know anything, I hope you learn something from this post. If you know everything, please enjoy my tectonic plate pun. Let’s get on with the learning!

Here is my Mind Map. I have put in different ideas that I thought were important.

Our next task was to write about each curricular competency. I put in each competency, and then I wrote how I thought I used that skill.

Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

When I saw this competency, the thing that stood out to me was the word evidence. That word is so important in this unit. When you really think about it, there is not that much evidence about tectonic plates. Sure, there are sonar machines and tools like that, but we don’t actually know what is going on inside of the Earth. I understand and appreciate all of the evidence, but learning this sorta makes me want to look at the Earth more. I want to find out if all of the theories are correct!

Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest

I think I definitely did this. Like I said in my previous text section, I want to actually see what is inside the Earth. It would be so cool to see the Earth from a whole different perspective.

The theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geological processes.

This is also a statement that interests me, mainly because it uses the word theory. That really interests me because, like I mentioned, this whole unit is technically a theory. That’s pretty mind blowing.

Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches

I think that I used this skill when we went to visit the Grade four and five’s. We read our books to them, and that was pretty fun! I was surprised by how engaged my buddy was, and she asked lots of good questions. I also collaborated a bit because my friends and I helped each other with our books and gave each other some pretty good feedback!

Now, I have put in my final book. I also made a slideshow with some of my favourite pages. Enjoy!


  • I like this drawing because I made it in an app called Sketches Pro, and I used some cool tools to make it!
  • I like this page because it tells a story about how many things would not exist without our geological activities.
  • I like this page because I like the drawing of the Rockies that I did, and I also could not imagine my life without the mountains.

Plate Tectonics

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