How the Bearmug was created…

What I learned?

I have used iMovie before just goofing around and making traitors with my family but for this assignment we learned the more technology stuff. Like how to do voiceovers and adjust the lighting, thing that you would probably not pick up on a normal basis.

My iMovie is related with what we are learning in science because I talk about how they have to combine the different animals DNA and make sure they don’t create a cancer gene. My frankenstuffie was influenced by the industrial revolution because if there was no industrial revolution then how would we be filming our iMovie and how would we have sewn our stuffier or even had stuffies to sew.

Next time I would start sooner because when we were first filming we let gabi film for the first 2 classes so after I was a little rushed but other then that I think that that would be all I would change.

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