The Revolution of the music video

If any of you don’t know what MTV is by now then you must be living under a rock. MTV was one of the first channels to base there whole broadcast around music videos, in 1981. MTV formally known as Music television was originally dedicated to the sharing and promotion of music videos, as well as the creation of these videos. Since the first airing however, the channel has had a huge impact on popular culture through these videos, but now MTV is more focused more on reality tv. Which I find sad because music videos are way better then reality TV.

In the video below you will learn about the history and rise of the music video, why they shifted to the internet, and how music videos effected people’s trends, fashion, and mindset.

We created the video in the EMP museum in Seattle, my group and I made a story board, and a plot graph before the trip, so when we got there we could just film. We used different apps such as IMovie, Teleprompter, and Garage Band.



I think that MTV is crazy because music video really help you under stand the song and what the artist is trying to portray, and with out music videos I think not as many people would use the internet. Also no other channel was playing music videos 24-7, and I think that is really crazy because who would be watching a music video at 2 in the morning, but they still did it and they succeeded because MTV still excites today.

I hope that if you did not know what MTV was, this helped you understand and I hoped you enjoyed our video.

Thanks for watching

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