Frankenstuffie Creative Writting

In the story below you will read about how the Bearmug came to be. The Bearmug is a fictional character, that is combination between a bear, monkey, and bug. Coming up with the idea to write this was kind of tricky, I don’t really remember how I came up with my idea, but I think my story turned out pretty good. When you are reading this you have to pretend that you are in a made up world because there is going to be T.V’s is the 1700’s. Hope you enjoy.

Anatolia Floe
A How The Bearmug Was Created

A long time ago in the 1700’s there was a contest for all the scientists in the world. They would all meet in England to discover the quest they had to fulfil. Everyones eyes were on last years winner, Dr. Gia. She was the best scientist in the world right now and everyone hoped she would retain her title. There was also a new scientist joining the competition, his name was Dr. Brian, he was a big scientist back in Australia , but had never participated in this competition before.
Everyone was was excited for the first day of the competition, hurrying around, practicing all their skills, especially Dr. Gia and Dr. Brian. The announcer came on and told everyone to find their seats and get ready for the competition. All the scientist were in place on the stage, a voice from the speaker came on and said ” Welcome to the 1754 Future Of Science Competition, today we will be announcing this year challenge. Each scientist will have 5 days to complete this task and bring it back here and then we will judge. This years task is… you must find 3 different animals and combine their DNA to create a better animal. The animal has to be an improvement from the previous animals. Good luck you have 96 hours starting in…5…4… 3…2…1… GO!” All the scientist rushed out of the area to gather materials from all over the world. Some people have heard that combining animals DNA was Dr Brain’s specialty so they had their eyes on him.
Some of the reporters were following around the scientists with cameras so the people could watch it on T.V. First they followed Dr. Brian he was working in his lab in Australia, Dr. Brian was carefully connecting the DNA strands making sure he connected them with the right strands to be sure no negative genetic mutations effected the outcome. Then the T.V crew went to Dr. Gia’s lab in California, she was not being so careful she was more worried about time. Dr. Gia had only fabricated animals once or twice before so she was not very good at it.
All the scientist were back, with all their fabricated animals. The voice on the speakers came back on saying ” Welcome back , good job on your big quest and hope you had fun doing it. We will start with each scientist telling us what animals they have combined . We will start with Dr. Gia. Dr. Gia came to the front with a hug cage covered by a blanket, she took of the blanket very slowly. In the cage their was a mix between a horse, a narwhale, and a eagle. She said that is was a horse so it could run fast mixed with a eagle so it could fly and a narwhale so it could also swim. The judges looked impressed but all of a sudden the creature make to loudest more annoying sound and started going crazy. It was ramming into the bars and screeching. The judge did not like this animals behaviour, it had something to do with genetic mutations and it was not good. The judges voted it a 7.4, Dr. Gia was not happy.
They went though all the competitors. There was one scientist left it was Dr. Brian he came to the front with a medium sized cage he took of the blanket off carefully not to disturb the creature inside. In the cage there was a polar bears head on a tiny bugs body with monkey arms. He explained that this would improve the original animals because the bears head would help the animal catch food and the bugs body would make it be able to fly, and the monkey arms so it can swing from trees, run on its arms, and stay up high for protection. The creature make a beautiful soft roar, the judges were very impressed. They took a long time to figure out Dr. Brains score; the crowd sat in silence. Finally one of the judges spoke up he said ” Dr. Brian’s finals score is………… 9.9.” Dr. Brian stood there so stunned he could not speak. The only word that came out of him mouth was “Bearmug we did it”.

Here is a short slideshow of the Bearmug’s creation

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