Growth In Humanities

If any of you don’t know humanities is English and socials mixed together into one class. This year in humanities I feel like my best assignment would probably be the Frankenstuffie creative writing project. For this project we had to combined three different stuffed animals and sew different parts of each animals together to create a Frankenstuffie. Then we wrote about how our Frankenstuffie came to be. I think that one of the major reasons why I liked this project so much is because you could make it completely yours, you could make it as boring or exciting as you want. After we wrote the creative writing story we then got to make a short video of how your frankenstuffie came to be.

Here is my Frankenstuffie creative writing link

Frankenstuffie Creative Writting



I think that I did a really good job on the creative writing part because I really like creative writing because as I said before you can make it completely yours. You get to make up the date, time, setting, characters, names, everythinG. Another reason way I like this assignment so much is that there is no wrong answer, and when you are writing it there are no questions you have to answer you can just write.

Next time when I do a project like this I think that I need to work on my video editing skills and spelling/grammar. When I was filming my video I was usually laughing so the camera was shaking and when I was editing it I didn’t do a very good job adjusting the sound or focus on the video, because I didn’t really know how. So for next time I would improve my video filming and editing skills. Also I think that I need to work on my spelling and grammar because when all your spelling and grammar is all correct it makes your story so much better.

In humanities one of my biggest weaknesses would probably reading. Reading can be really easy for me when I read in my head but when I have to read out load I loose my place a a lot and I can’t really focus on one word, my eyes scramble all over the page. Also when I am learning something that I am not very interested in, I tend to get bored and distracted and don’t put a lot of effort into my work. I have lots of strengths too, including, when I am engaged in a subject I work hard because I am interested in the subject and I want to learn more about it. I work hard when I have a goal set, for example, for every “A” i get on my report card I would get to go shopping or a get some money, things like that really encourage me to work hard and try my best.

For the next part of the year my goal is to be able to ask a deep question that can lead to further discussion, because in Flight we are always asking questions. At this point we have not really learned how to ask a deep question and the components to doing so. Also I would like to ask more question in class to fully understand the subject because then when I am doing a work sheet, I don’t have to go back in the text book to try to find the info, I will just know it. This will also be very helpful on tests or quizzes, which will result in me doing better on the text/quiz which will lead to me getting a better grade in Humanities.

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