Growth In Science

In science so far this year my favourite and best project would probably be the genetics mutations project because I did not know what a genetic mutation was so I got to learn a lot about what it is. For this project we had to either make a keynote, prezi, poster, or any other way that you can present your ideas. Then we had to research any type of genetic mutation we were interested in, and learn more about it. I did my presentation on Progeria, because I has no clue what Progeria was, and it was really interesting and sad because there is no cure for Progeria yet so if you get it, you will likely die. I chose to present my presentation on a poster with images and facts to keep the audience engaged. I think the reason I liked this project so much is because you got to choose what you wanted to do it on, it could have been anything. Also when you get to chose what you want to do it on, you know you will be interested in it, and then you will do a better job.


When I am doing a project like this I think that I need to plan ahead a little bit more because I am really busy after school, so if I plan ahead then I will be able to manage my time better. Also I think that I need to take advantage class time better so I can again, manage my time better, and get more work done in class so I wont have as much homework. When I am working on a project like this I usually work better by myself because then you don’t need to worry if the other person is doing their share on the project. Also if you don’t get a good grade on it, I would rather it be all my fault instead of I putting in a lot of effort and the other person puts in none.

In science I think that one of my biggest weaknesses is not asking enough questions to fully understand the criteria. Once you get a deeper understanding then every time you do a worksheet you don’t need to keep going back to find the info you just know it. Also when I sit with my friends I can sometimes get distracted and off topic, but usually we stay on topic if it is something we are interested in. One of my really good friends Gabi, is the one to keep me on track if I ever get distracted. On the other hand though, I work really hard and fast when I am leaning something new and interesting. I work well with other people that put in there share of the work. I really dislike it when I am working in a group and some of the people don’t do anything, so thats why when I am working in a group I put in my share of the work.

In this next term my goal is to ask more questions to fully understand the criteria of the subject that we are learning. Then when I am doing a work sheet, I don’t have to go back in the text book to try to find the info, I will just know it. This will also be very helpful on tests or quizzes, which will result in me doing better on the text/quiz which will lead to me getting a better grade in science.


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