Periodic Table Of Dogs

For my Periodic Table I chose to do it on dogs and connected each element in three different ways. To do this project you need to find something you wanted to do it on, I personally love dogs so I chose to do mine on dogs. You could have done it on anything fruit, chips, books, anything that has 20 to 30 different types, if you were doing fruit you could have chosen to use pineapple and watermelon and strawberry any fruit. Next you had to find 2 or 3 characteristics to sort your elements, just like in the Periodic table of elements. Once you chose what characteristics you are going to use you need to somehow connect all you elements into one table. But your could look completely different and still work, because there are many ways of combining your elements.

I liked this project because you got to chose what you liked to use as your elements instead of just getting told what you are going to do it on. The hard thing about this project was that in the beginning I had no clue how this was going to work in the end so it took me along time to get started and I had to kind of rush at the end but it all worked out.

If my table doesn’t make sence to you I will explain it. As you have probably already noticed my element are split up through color, Blue means the dog is a large dog, purple means the dog is a medium dog, and green means it’s a small dog. If you start at the top row and more the bottom row you will see that the top row is the dog that live the shortest and as you go down their life expectancy gets bigger and bigger. Lastly you probably didn’t notice this before but in each coloum from left to right is starts of as the working dogs and does to the sporting dogs to the herding dogs to the hound dogs to the companion dogs, this is in each color section.



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