Cray Cray Yay Yay

First of all you might be wondering why this blog post is called “Cray CrayYay Yay”, that’s a very good question, I don’t really know why either my teacher named it so let’s go with it.  For this project we actually traveled to Seattle for 3 days and filmed all of this project there.  Each group got assigned a place that they had to turn into a short iMovie film. Me and my group got assigned the EMP  (Experience Music Project), if you don’t know what this is then get a life. Just kidding I didn’t know what is was either before this project, the EMP is a museum dedicated to contemporary popular culture. This museum is different from all other museums I have ever seen, just look at it…

The EMP museum was actually built to look like one of Jimmi Hendrix’s smashed guitars. At the museum  there is an exhibit called “Spectacle” that is where we did all of our filming. Spectacle is all about the music video and the creation of music videos and how they have evolved over time.

I really liked this project because I didn’t really ever think about how music videos started and I just found it really interesting how much of a change they went though from then to now. If you want to find out the revolution of music videos then click on the link below, trust me it’s really interesting.

Hope you enjoyed our video!

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