Elizabethan Paired Projects

The elizabethan era was 1558 to 1603, thats a long time ago that’s like 450 years ago. This project was centred around the Elizabethan era, each pair got assigned a topic that was in the Elizabethan era for example one pair got Elizabethan food and another got Elizabethan woman and children. Me and my friend Gabi did our project on Elizabethan sports and pastimes.

If you would like to check out our slides for our presentation click on the link below…


I liked this projects because it was really open if you know what I mean. We weren’t all doing the same, every presentation was different. If we were to do this project again i think that the first thing I would change would be, me and Gabi procrastinated a lot so next time I would finish it earlier so I could have more time rehearsing what I was going to say. Overall I really liked this project and would be happy to do it again.

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