The Wedding Scene

When you are the director of a romantic movie/play you have a choice to put in the wedding scene or just skip over it to the after party or even the next day. You may even film the scene thinking you will put in and then decide to take it out, but why? There are many pro’s and con’s for both putting in the wedding scene and taking it out, in this blog post I will be explaining some of these reasons.

Directors may chose to keep the wedding scene in the movie/play because they think that it gives the audience a heart warming feel or maybe the wedding is the climax of the movie/play, it’s all up to the director to decide. Back in the Elizabethan era the wedding scene in a movie/play was likely skipped, but wedding scenes are becoming more popular today. Directors may also chose to keep the actually wedding scene because it gives you more information about the characters and also if the directors chose to show the scene you do’t have to just assume how it went you will know how it went down.


But on the other hand directors my chose to just skip over the wedding scene for various reasons. One reason being the age group that will be watching this movie, if there is going to be young kids watching this movie you might not want to put in the actual wedding scene because it would be inappropriate and likely boring for kids to watch. Another reason to leave out the wedding scene is if the wedding is not the climax of the movie/play then leaving it out would speed up the movie a lot.


These are just a few examples of why directors would keep or toss the wedding scene in their movie/play. If I was a director of a movie/play depending on the movie/play I would show short clips of the wedding not all the “will you talk Paul as your loving husband” but the important parts. The director is in complete control of wether or not they keep the scene. Part of choosing also depends on the directors opinion, if they like having the scene in or out of the movie, because at the end of the day you give all the credit to the director and he/she has to be happy with what they made.

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