“There isn’t Done without Do”

Month November 2018

Oregon Field Study Reflection

PLP has something called field studies in its program where the whole class travels together and learns first hand through experience. Every year the grade 8 PLP class goes to Oregon and does lots of fun and exciting activities to… Continue Reading →

Oregon Business Ad Reflection

As a project for our PLP 8 field study, we were tasked to make an ad for a company in Newport, Oregon. I was in a group with Angelo, Anthony, Ally and Malaika. We were given the Chalet Restaurant and… Continue Reading →

The Emoji Game

As a task for the fourth week of the student  blogging challenge, we were tasked to make something incorporating emojis. I decided to make an actual video game using emojis as much as possible.  My idea wasn’t listed but I thought… Continue Reading →

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