Chemistry is the identification and study of the substance of which matter is constructed. Every in the world can be explained by the periodic table, Bohr models and different types of bonds. In Science, we learnt all about these elements, properties and prefixes to create a story showing the bonding of atoms. We were challenged with using animations to show the electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature.
Throughout the unit I have gained a detailed understanding on the competencies used in the project. Communicating our knowledge to others using animations was not easy and there were many problems with Explain Everything. I was able to explain bonding, prefixes and atoms using scientific language. The script was well thought out and I was careful with my wording to make it educational. The voice overs are clear and describe of formula of physical or mental theoretical models. However, I could have talked more about the result of the reaction and the properties it had.
Processing and Analyzing:
Creating a Bohr model for the animation was done by using Notability and its circle tools. From class discussions, textbooks and lots of Kahoots, I have learnt about atoms and the periodic table. The animation shows the exchange and sharing of electrons in presented in covalent and ionic bonding. I animated atoms/ions including multivalent metals and polyatomic ions.
Questioning and Predicting:
Even though I am probably not going to be a chemist, I am still interested in it and I am willing/wanting to learn more. I am interested in this topic and I did more than I needed, taking time to learn about organic material prefixes. Despite spending all my time effectively I was not able to complete it only using class time.
My animated video was carefully planned and created with lots of forethought. The animations clearly showed bonding and I did extra by showing the traits of the atoms. I wrote all of my voice overs and correlated it to my animations. I completed the animations with a detailed competency of the project and a cool product. At the beginning of the project I had no idea what any of the terms or ideas were but as I learnt more, I incorporated my understanding into the video.
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