Anders Blog

“There isn’t Done without Do”


January 2021

What Makes Music Good?

What makes music, music? It is a complicated topic that has no defined universal explanation and comes down to personal belief. The definition says its beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion but where those lines are drawn is… Continue Reading →


A podcast is brought to life from editing and the tools to perform these tasks, help instrumentally. Podcasts are not only unedited clips of people talking to a mic about a topic and very few are but editing helps introduce… Continue Reading →

Capulets & Montague

“There were Montagues and Capulets, they were real families – Montecchi e Cappelletti.” – David Blixt I know it seems outlandish but the two aristocratic families were real with a real rivalry. Famous for their contretemps and fighting, they became… Continue Reading →

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