The phrase “The Greatest Canadian” can mean a lot of different things. Greatness comes from their personality and willingness to speak up & give to others. It is the amount of success in their career and how they have changed… Continue Reading →
A live event is a performance that is supposed to be fun and engaging. And capturing the event is memorable to look back to and nice to reflect on. For the final video of the term we were tasked with… Continue Reading →
Throughout the first term, we have done more videos than all of last year. We have created ten videos, but that wouldn’t be possible without the extensive techniques we learnt along the way. The creation of a well-organized film consists… Continue Reading →
Transitioning into the following year we have to do something called a tPOL (transitional presentation of learning). We are tasked with reflecting on each of the PLP subjects providing strong evidence on work ethic, work habits and areas for improvement…. Continue Reading →
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