Some Cool Things About Me

SBC Week 3 | Fun With Photos

Hello, as you can see by the title this will be another student blogging challenge post.  In this post, I’m going to be talking about images.  Everyone uses images whether it’s taking a photo and posting it on social media or like adding it to a website or a blog post.  An important aspect of using images is to make sure that these images are safe to use or copyright-free.  In this post, I’m first going to explain more about copyright free images, what that means, and how you can find these types of images.  Later on ill show examples of photos, I’ve found that were  copyright-free and a step by step guide to finding copyright-free images.

What is a copyright-free image?  A copyright-free image is an image that the creator says is good for anyone to use.  Sometimes, if you can get into lots of trouble for using copyrighted photos.  Below are a few tips I use to stay copyright free.

Another way to make sure you’re using photos safely is by using your own.  Recently I went to New Orleans with my family and took lots of nice photos.  If I were to make a blog post on places I’ve been or even just New Orleans, the first thing I would do is go to my camera roll.  Here are a few photos from my trip that would be safe to use (If you took them or had permission to use them).


You may not be able to find a copyright- free photo that fits with what you want in your head.  In this case, I suggest creating your own!  Maybe gather inspection from other people’s photos and sketch your own.  This is a great way to keep things copyright free.


This is my picture prompt to teach you how to find copyright-free photos online.  This is a simple step by step guide anyone can do.  Enjoy!

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s SBC post.  I hope you learned something from this post and I taught you something about copyright-free photos you didn’t know before.  The Next blog post will either be school-related or week 4 SBC.


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