If you have been following my blog, (you should be) you may know I’ve been studying advertisement in my humanities class, we’ve done a lot and I would love to share it with you.

We showed our learning with a project where we interviewed a company in groups of four and made an advertisement for them. I was grouped with Jason, Paisley and Jackson. Together we interviewed first a local department store, ahoy and second, a business from Oregon, Highlife. Below you can see the final draft for my Highlife add.

Obviously before we dived into a project, we studied and practiced first, but I’ll make another post about all that later. In short we have been looking into advertising and media, identifying media, types of media claims, how to use media, to catch ones eye, how to make an image apeal.

I will start with Ahoy. In our interview, we learned that ahoy values fashion, usefulness, all of there clothes are for both girls and boys, women and men. After they showed us around a little we all decided to do our ads on a new waterproof backpack of an upcoming brand, only found at Ahoy. We got to work.


Through critique and revision, and even more revision, I built an idea into and add.

With Highlife, it was a similar idea, but Highlife is in Oregon, so during our Field School, we went there. Highlife is an unique, family owned  zipline park, with a campfire, a zipline that can splash you in a lake, a beautiful view, the “zwing” a zipline that swings you really fast, and a new restaurant. We did our project on the zip’n Sip Bar and grill, since it was the newest thing, and to attract more attention in winter.

Here the difference between the different drafts were smaller, as I stayed on the same basics, but some things like, colours, fonts, sizes and other small things changed the entire mood of this advertisement. That is of course until I changed my mind completely, and started on a new idea that as you can see is happier and more inviting. My final draft is the one on the left, what do you like about it, what would you change?

Check out Ahoy and Highlife . Follow @highlifeshopcat on instagram, it’s the cutest thing!