Exploring Mindset Settings

Your mindset affects every part of your day to day life, and more. Not only does your mindset affect you, but also the people you interact with.

Sets of Set Mindsets

There are different types of mindsets fixed mindset, and growth mindset. Fixed mindsets think of talent and smarts and skill as a fixed trait, but through this section I have learned otherwise. Skill is not given, it is earned, this process is always going to be hard, but if you have enough passion, you can continue on, and eventually be successful. One of my favourite quotes is “if you’re green, you grow, if you’re ripe, you rot.” This means that if you keep working, you’ll improve, but if you think there’s no room to grow, you’ll only get worse from there.

To Grow A Mindset

In class we’ve been growing our mindsets for a couple months, I seriously recommend you to do the same. We’ve watched a lot of videos about mindsets, here is one that deeply affected me.

Your mindset affects every part of your day to day life, and more. Not only does your mindset affect you, but also the people you interact with. There are different types of mindsets fixed mindset, and growth mindset. Fixed mindsets think of talent and smarts and skill as a fixed trait, but through these lessons I have learned otherwise. Skill is not given, it is earned, this process is always going to be hard, but if you have enough passion, you can continue on, and eventually be successful.

So you can see, through failure, and determination, no matter where you’re coming from, it’s possible to achieve success.

Here is  some of the work I’ve done, failures I have worked on, the successes that have grown from them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Long Term Goals

I’ve also learned that sometimes you’ll try your best, but you don’t succeed, that is unless you keep trying over and over again. This has influenced me to set some goals, long term ones to practice persistence. Here’s some ideas…

keep at it, and keep trying your