Good day fellow out of the box thinkers (and Star Wars fans)!

Lately I’ve been swarmed in one theme in particular, Star Wars. A pretty good topic if you ask me. We watched the movies, and we’re noticing parts of them in particular that caught our attention individually, what I was noticing was each character, and how maticulously they’re stories intertwined, every detail meant something that contributed to who they are. This all fits into my Worldview very well.

I found out so much, and the more I began to think about this as a possible project, the more I learned and wanted to learn. Interest is what makes a good project, hopefully i can share my interest with you.


I interviewed a famous character designer and concept artist, Iain Mccaig who worked on four of the Star Wars films.


He taught me about contrast, and background stories. Always know everything about your character whether it seems necessary or not because it can help give your character personality and build storyline. He told me that every little thing about your character must have a reason to be there. Along with the design parts, your character must realistically be able to live in its surroundings. I had a lot of

I took his advice and used it to create two characters and a short film.                             “I Will Follow”

I created two creatures, and built models of them out of modeling clay, one a murguel called AMA, a mother of three trying to feed herself and her children, the other, Eroi a Rutscha who traveled the world to save the one they loved.

Most of all, the Star Wars was an experience! Watching all of the films (exept the second three made) with all of my classmates. Finding out what interested me the most. Taking it upon myself to find and interview an esteemed professional, on my own. To create an interesting project, and execute it well. The many


Below is the information about each character that I collected, and created, along with a sketch of how I was hoping they’d turn out.


All you have to do is begin and the ideas will flow through your mind, open your thoughts and don’t worry whether it’s a good idea, all that matters is that it is an idea. Open your mind and begin… click below for more.

Based off of my short film I will follow, what kind of person do you think Eroi (the main character) is? How far would he go?