I Good day fellow car fans and those who don’t want to admit how little they actually know about cars… or math for that matter. Don’t you worry, today is a day where you can understand more about both!


soo.. what is a polynomial?

Thanks google!

I think google says it best

Basically, polynomials are math expressions consisting of more than one term. Most polynomials consist of negative terms, as well as positive terms, and many different operations. However one could be as simple as 1a+1b … but I’m not sure why you’d need to make it into a polynomial if it were like that!


Myself and Fraser decided to explain polynomials to you by theoretically building a 2JZ GTE Engine from scrap.


Toyota Supra Turbo – Manual


Above shows two pages of a manual that consists of the most important parts of the engine. We decided to keep little things like nuts bolts and screws out of our polynomial so that it doesn’t become too confusing.


“Detail polynomial” Terms Chart

I call this first polynomial the “detail” polynomial because it consists of each individual piece. Here you can see every term we will use, and what it stands for. In polynomials, algebraic representation is used for each term to keep large amounts of large numbers more easily understandable.


“Detail Polynomial” Conclusion

When you look between here and the “detail polynomial” chart you can see where each piece fits in and how much it contributes to the theoretical holes in our pockets.


“Overview Polynomial” Chart + Conclusion

Here you can see what each individual part contributes to and you truly can notice the importance of each piece. By looking at this you can learn the true beauty of polynomials, in that they can simplify the most confusing and largely complicated math expression and subdue it into a nice, short, simple Polynomial.


Curricular competencies

Curricular competencies are major branches of learning that the NVSD (school district) mandates that all students learn each year. The major 3 that this project taught us was:

– Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways

-Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations

– Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests

Writing this blog post has shown my understanding of a few more!

– Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions

Reflect on mathematical thinking

However I think the real Conclusion here is that if I am ever going to have a car with a dream engine, then I am going to work really really hard!

Goodluck with your own car dreams!