My Avatar

I picked this avatar because I like the design and the use of colour. The colour isn’t to bright and is nice and pale which remind me of the colours in a sunset. I made this drawing myself in Sketches Pro. The avatar reminds me of myself a little bit. I think it reminds me of myself because I like artsy photos and this is a really cute photo. This is why I picked this Photo for my avatar.


  1. nyas · October 14, 2019 at 11:40 pm ·

    I love your avatar! It’s so pretty and it suites you.💕

  2. ryanun · October 15, 2019 at 2:33 am ·

    I love your avatar so cute💛

  3. amys · October 16, 2019 at 3:48 am ·

    Hi Annie!

    I really like your avatar. The design and colour really make it pop. You are really good at art. Are the colours that you chose some of you favourites?

    Check out my blog!

  4. Millie · October 16, 2019 at 11:27 pm ·

    Hi Annie,

    It’s Millie.
    You may now me from one of the comments you made. Your avatar is so beautiful. I like how you did it from behind and the star halo. Where are you from? What is it like there. You might now I am from Australia. It is really beautiful when you go to the beaches and see the sun set. My favourite colour is pink. what’s yours?


    • anniew · October 18, 2019 at 6:55 pm ·

      Hi Millie,

      Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m from Canada and its really pretty. I don’t usually get to see sunsets, but when I do they are really pretty. Ive always wanted to go to Australia. What’s it like there?


  5. Lauri Dewar · October 18, 2019 at 9:36 pm ·

    Hello Annie,
    I’m reading your blog for the week 1 challenge and I read your about page. Because I can’t comment on that page I decided to look around and leave a post here. Your avatar is terrific, something I wished I could have drawn. I’m good at stick figures, ;). Have you watched the movie they adapted from book Speak? It was released in 2004 and starred Kristen Stewart my students generally watch it after they read the book.
    You are off to a good start, I hope you enjoy the remainder of the Student Blogging Challenge.
    Mrs. L. Dewar