TPOL: My own toolkit

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.


To be honest it doesn’t even feel like it’s been a full school year since the start of grade 11. And if I’m being even more honest the fact that I’m going into grade 12, my last year of high school, seems absolutely crazy!

Every year during my MPOL I set a new goal for myself. If you want to read about that goal click on the word MPOL just above. This year my goal connected to my work in school and my life outside of school. It’s helped me become more productive, and allows me to accomplish work in a way that I know works well for me. My goal has become like a mindset for me, it allows me to take things, one step at a time. Now that it has become a mindset I don’t have to focus as much on the specifics of it, it just comes much more naturally.

The goals I set for myself at home

Something I find has been happening to me recently, is the I Don’t Care mindset. I think because its the end of the year, I’m getting overwhelmed with my work load and all the things I have to finish. And instead of being proactive and productive, its like I’m freezing and procrastinating my work load. Now thats not to say I’m not doing work, because clearly you are sitting reading this blog post that I wrote, and I swear the rest of my blog is up to date as well. I have just been having a harder time these past few weeks with my work load. I have found one thing getting me through is the one step at a time mindset. It really helped me get through the exhibition that happened just last week!

Me the night of the exhibition

My updated project for th exhibition

I think I’m ready to move on to grade 12 (even though it scares me) because I learned this year how to recognize the skills I need in order to succeed. I was not just able to recognize them but teach and develop those skill to myself. All through grade 8, 9, and 10 we are given the tools for our tool kit and taught how to use them. This year I made my own tool, a skill that works just right for me and one that I can take into my grade 12 year full of work and responsibility.