A road trip with math

Hi everyone!   This is my last Scimatics blog post for grade 8. This project was all about using a linear relations graph to track, in our case, how much money was spent. For this project we had to plan a road trip that cost…


We just finished a project that combined two subjects together! In this project we were learning about diseases and how they interact with the body, and about the age of exploration. The final product was a comic book about an explorer from the 1400’s –…

Its the Ultimate Design

Hey there, I have completed yet another project, its that time of year again, where all the projects are coming to a close. I have finished a project in scimatics, where we were designing an object with ten basic shapes. After we designed it we…

It’s all about Atoms

Hello everyone! I just completed a project on atoms and the kinetic theory. We were doing a project on a program called scratch, a simple way to code. We could create a game or a simulator that includes two different types of atoms and different…

Star Wars lasers

I just completed a big project based on the Pythagorean theorem. For this project we created a laser path. Our whole project was Star Wars themed, so everyone was creating a Star Wars ship with a laser. The idea of this project was to learn…

Tectonic plates

My class just finished a project based on tectonic plates. We created a book that was for students in grade 4 and 5, that taught them about tectonic plates. This was really hard to do, because we had to make the book interesting and giving…