How My Four Minute Speech Seemed To Last Only a Few Seconds…

‘It’s official, my first grade 11 project in PLP has been completed. We started off the year with a new teacher, Ms Madsen! Our project focused on writing and reading out a speech to the class. The speech was focused on the significance of the…

I Can Do My TPOL

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and…

Old Growth: Resource Explotation To Preservation

Have you ever wondered what shaped and made the world we live in today? Well in our latest Humanities project we looked into just that. We looked into what occurred after WW2 that helped shape the Canada we know and live in today. We also…

The Seven Habits In My Daily Life

Our most recent project we finish up was called believe in good. It was all about learning and understanding the Seven habits, then applying them to our life. Throughout the project we learned about the private victory, the public victory and renewal. Each of these…

I Was There – Loon Lake 2022

Finally, A PLP trip! Recently our PLP 10 class went on a learning advance to Loon Lake. As fun as this sounds and was, we did do work and learn while we were there. The great part about trips with PLP is the learning we…

Improv is Harder Than it Sounds

Just over a week ago on Saturday April. 2 2022, my team and I competed in the improv challenge for Destination Imagination. This is not the first time I have been in one of these competitions, if you want to read about the first time…

Share Your Story

Well it’’s right before spring break and we’ve finished up our project in Humanities. This project has been all about World War Two, it was called Hidden Chapters. The driving question was, How might we use stories to better understand the causes and consequences of WWII?…

425 Years Later, is Shakespeare Still Relevant?

One of our shorter projects we just completed was called, Romeo, Romeo, why are we still talking about Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the project we read different parts of Romeo and Juliet, and watched video adaptations on the story. The driving question for the project…

I Can Do My MPOL

It’s that time of the year again where MPOLs have come around. The last time I did this was way back in grade 8 before the pandemic started. If you want to read about that you can go here. Today I’m here to reflect on…