Oregon Ad Reflection

We just finished our Oregon ads, and now its time to reflect. Our ads were on a restaurant called the chalet. When I was making my ad I took all the things I had learned from the Deep Cove ad and made sure that I kept them in mind while making my ad. My group was a bit more prepared than last time, and had more detailed notes and better photos. With this advantage, I set out to complete my first draft.

My first draft was pretty much just a picture of their sign with a slogan and a phone number. I used the slogan “family friendly, family owned” because the restaurant is family owned and like to emphasize this. Obviously this could be improved, and my second draft included a picture of some their fish and chips, and had an address, phone number, and the same slogan. My next draft was similar, but I changed the font colour to increase visibility, and added their logo. My final draft was the same as the previous, except that I changed the photo to a hamburger, which had better resolution and looked more appetizing.

In my opinion this ad was infinitely better than my Deep Cove ad, and although it looks a little bit amateurish, I think I made a pretty good ad.

<?php echo do_shortcode(‘

  • Draft 1
‘); ?>

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