Week Eight Challenges

For the week eight challenges I decided to do the festive games activity. The holiday game I’m going to review is the Google ghost game that came out around halloween this year. It’s a simple browser game, but that doesn’t stop it from being really fun! The concept of the game is you are a ghost, and you have to collect spirits with your three teammates. There is an enemy team however, and you have to get more spirits into your end zone than they can. You can also steal the enemy team’s spirits before they get them to their end zone, but watch out because they can do the same to you! I think it’s a really fun game to do in your spare time, and you can host a game and play with a group of friends if you want! Here’s a link, https://www.google.com/logos/2018/halloween18/rc3/halloween18.html?hl=en, I definitely recommend trying it out, and I hope you have fun with it!

<?php echo do_shortcode(‘

  • Ghosts!
‘); ?>


  1. Merry Beau

    Hi there,

    My name is Merry Beau and I am a commenter from the Student Blogging Challenge. Well done on your review of the Halloween game. It was clearly written and you had a graphic to go with it. I always think images bring a blog post to life.

    I teach children between the ages of 4 and 12 and I am from Ireland. Here is a link to our class blog
    My class and I have done the student blogging challenge in the past.

    If you get a chance you could put up the Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2018. The instructions for doing that are here: http://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/2018/10/01/badges/

    It would be lovely to hear back from you. You could leave a comment on my class blog. Part of the fun of blogging is getting to hear from people all over the world. As Ms. Morris says if you finish your tasks why not visit other student bloggers and leave a comment to say hello.

    With every good wish. Have a great week,
    Merry Beau

  2. Merry Beau

    Gosh thank you for your prompt reply.
    Writing here at six pm on a Sunday evening
    in a dark and cold, wintery Ireland.
    Blogging certainly makes the world a smaller place!

    • anthonys

      I guess blogging does make the world a smaller place, I think this is one of the first times I’ve ever talked to somebody living in Ireland! It’s about ten AM here in B.C., I usually don’t get comments. It’s nice to finally get into a conversation with someone, everyone else who comments on this blog I never hear from again.

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