My Worldview

The video above was the most recent (and one of our biggest) of our projects, which was on worldview, which is what you think about different things and what influences that. The end product was supposed to be a video made in an app called Explain Everything, but we had to do a lot leading up to that. The first step was to a questionnaire on different subjects, which we would be able to reflect on later, and would help us understand the concept of worldview better.

The MindNode was the second activity, basically a mind map:

We used it to break down the categories of influences and how they influence us, and we were supposed to choose a couple categories to really focus on. It was really just a brainstorming thing for the Explain Everything, the next step was actually writing a script, which would be what we were going to say in our Explain Everything. The next part was writing a script, mine was a bit more general so that I could be more flexible while recording the Explain Everything. The script went like this: So one day I was a small child, and since I was so small I never really thought there was anyone who had different beliefs and stuff, but then my parents told me and I read some book about how there were different people with different cultures, and it occurred to me that somewhere, there was somebody who thought and did everything different from me. Eventually I kept reading and hearing more about these people and I thought some of the things they did were weird, which was biased by my current worldview. I thought that some of their ideas actually pretty good, and that influenced me a bit but I was mostly influenced by my family and friends. So by the time I was around 10, my worldview was generally complete, although I’m still learning about new things I have my own opinions on. And thats how my worldview has been evolving since then.

The only real problems came about when I actually was working on the Explain Everything, mostly because it doesn’t work and indiscriminately deletes everything you do, but Google saved me (kind of). Some problems I couldn’t fix was the overlapping audio in the first part of me talking, because it somehow was just one string of audio and not two merged, and the other was not being able to get audio on more than one slide, which I combated by using the zoom feature a lot. My Explain Everything is still up there if you want to watch it again, and tell me what you think!

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