PGP time machine artefact
For PGP we had to make an artefact to show something we learned in PGP that we wish we knew back in September. We had to choose from our productivity unit, where we learned how to use apps like things and the calendar, our goalsetting unit where we read a book and learned about how to set good goals, and our 7 habits unit, where we learned about a bunch of helpful things from the 7 habits book. I chose habit 3, because not only does it go over of a lot of things in the productivity that helped me out, and adds a few things as well.
For the artefact itself, I made a finger puppet show. It shows how I was really procrastinating before I found out about it, but all the different strategies it showed me like prioritizing and using a planner/calendar helped me be more productive, which is why I wished I knew about it back in September.