Blogging challenge week 2 post

So it’s week two of the blogging challenge, and this is my post on what I did for the tasks. So our first task was to make a post on our blogs commenting guidelines. My post is here. Our next task was making a post on how to comment. That post is here. And our final task was to comment on other people’s blogs. The first blog I visited was Taylor’s blog.

I really liked the avatar made, but the poster didn’t provide one, so I put that in my comment as well. The next blog I checked out was Payton’s. He did a video about Utah, which had lots of interesting facts in it. The video left me wondering what the state dinosaur was, so I asked about it in my comment.

The final blog I visited was Jordan’s blog. He wrote a post on how to help the environment by cutting down on plastics. I really liked it, and told him what I liked about it in my comment.

Well, that’s about all the tasks for the week 2 challenge, I’ll have a post on week 3 soon, so stay tuned!


  1. Carole

    Great work in your tasks here in Week 2 Anthony.
    Comments are important to the blogger. Yours were thoughtful and well worded!
    This post is an excellent summary of what you commented on with copies for me to read!
    I especially like how you invite the bloggers to visit your blog so I will do the same!
    Please visit

    Cheers Coach Carole

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