mPOL blog post

Hey everyone, this blog post is about the mPOL, where we explain our learning story by answering the driving question, “how are you going to progress as a learner before the end of the school year?”

First I’m going to talk about humanities. There are definitely some assignments I’m not proud of this year, and a bunch of them were from humanities. The main ones I think I could’ve done better in are the worldview explain everything, the Oregon field school reflection, and some of my other blog posts. I had so many things I could’ve talked about in the Oregon reflection, and my worldview explain everything had plenty of areas that could have easily been improved on. All of them could’ve been better if I just put a bit more time and effort into them, but I procrastinated and did them at the last second. I feel like these assignments didn’t really meet my standards, so I’ve been trying harder to do more work ahead of time and not procrastinate, and I think I’ve improved a bit so far, but I still have some improving to do. I also learned a lot of interesting things in humanities, like how worldview works, and all the different things that impact it, and how different people represent them in the real world.

Next is maker, like in humanities, I think I could’ve done better on some assignments, mostly some of the student blogging challenge posts. I also kinda left some of them to the last minute, but I think I still did a good job on most of them. The student blogging challenge was overall a positive experience, and it was cool to visit other people’s blogs and see what they did and what their opinions and interests were, but If I’d started managing my time better then I definitely could’ve done better than I did.

Now I’m going to talk about science, which is personally my favourite subject, because I really like learning how things work and impact our daily lives. We were mainly learning about plate tectonics, and we had to make a children’s book to show our knowledge. I think I did a pretty good job on it, but I think if I hadn’t left it to the last second I could’ve done even better.

On the other side of the spectrum there’s math, which I find kind of boring and as a result I got distracted a lot during class. However, I have been improving my focus and as a result have been more attentive in class and have been doing much better than I was at the beginning of grade eight. There aren’t really any assignments to talk about because it’s math.

Last but not least, I’m going to talk about PGP. We’ve been doing lots of things lately to improve our organization and time management, which has helped me out a lot in my war on procrastination. Lately we’ve been reading about goal setting and how to be more organized by time blocking and using things.

So for the driving question, I am going to progress by managing my time better and being more organized. I’m going to supplement this by using things more often, making a more precise schedule (and sticking to it) and then I should be able to meet my standards, because I know I can do some really good work if I put my mind to it and don’t get distracted. So now that I’ve been using time blocking and things, what are some more ways I can manage my time and stay on task?

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