It’s the end of the world project learning portfolio post

The end of the world project is finally over! And you know what that means, reflection time. So the projects main premise was worldview, but instead of other peoples worldview, it was about our own worldview and how it changed when we went from elementary to high school. For the first part of the project we looked at the crusades, and how the cultural exchange between the Christians and muslims affected their worldview. We were put into a group and were assigned to read the book of the lion, a book about the crusades. We had to fill out rolesheets for every third of the book we read, the first one I did was draw something that I felt the book reminded me of, the second one was researching something in the book I found interesting, and the final one I did was connecting the reading to things that are happening now, other media, etc. We also had to write a paragraph on how the cultural exchange affected the Christians and muslims and why. The main thing I learned from this part of the project was how many different things can lead to changes in worldview, and kind of helped me understand worldview better by giving me a good example of how it can change. For the next part of the project we had to make a Venn diagram and MindNode that showed the shifts in our worldview from elementary to secondary. For the Venn diagram, we were supposed to take our changes in worldview, our peers changes in worldview, and what the experts thought generally changed in the mind of someone who was changing from elementary to secondary.

For the MindNode we had to make a branch for each aspect of worldview (geography, society, values, economy, time, knowledge, and beliefs) and put things that changed in each of those aspects of worldview.

This helped me brainstorm and think of things that really changed when I went from elementary to secondary. It mostly gave me ideas for the final part of the project, the song. The main reason the project was called “it’s the end of the world as I know it” was because the final part of the project was to sing a parody of the song “it’s the end of the world as I know it” but swapping out the lyrics with our own lyrics describing the transition from elementary to secondary. We had to do a few drafts, I ended up singing it all at once so that the audio wouldn’t be different, and then I turned down the volume of the background song in GarageBand so that I could actually hear myself, the only differences between the drafts was that I improved my singing.

Then we had to mash together the lyrics of everyone in the group. We had to do two drafts, the only differences was that the second draft’s singing was better, and the video was better.

I think this project helped me realize how much actually changed. when I went from elementary to secondary, and really helped as an example to me of how much worldview can change in seemingly small events, and how it can change in several areas instead of just one. You can find the links to my group members blogs here, here, and here.

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