POL Declaration

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?



At the beginning of the year when I first created my Learning Plan, I was focused more on developing appreciation and enthusiasm for course content we would be covering in PLP 11.

  • In hindsight, these thoughts stemmed from a desire to alleviate some of the academic pressure I put on myself.
  • I wanted to have fun with my learning instead of having to put a lot of pressure on myself to do well. I believed I could have fun while also achieving the high standards I set for myself.
  • When this initial goal began to fall apart, I had to shift gears.
  • I did a lot of valuable work this year in terms of Resilience, Balance, and Communication.

🧡BCFP & PLP Exhibition

  • Balance: Balancing group work with partner in an efficient and fair manner. Utilizing individual learning on self-regulation and mental health and connecting it to course content.
  • Communication: Communicating with peers in order to create products to be proud of and achieve a successful exhibition.


🗣️The Great Debaters

  • Resilience: Persevering during debate in spite of unexpected challenges.
  • Balance: Prioritizing a work-life balance during this time aided me in delivering a successful speech.
  • Communication: Communicating with teachers and showing self-advocacy regarding my own assessment of my own work.


⚠️Fear Factor

  • Resilience: Making an effort towards academic achievements in spite of personal challenges.
  • Balance: Practicing self-care and prioritizing mental health through self-regulation.
  • Communication: Communicating with supports at school such as teachers and counsellors when facing difficulties.

💫 A Look-back

In my free-write from our first project at the beginning of the year, I express feelings of burnout and self-imposed pressure. These feelings only managed to increase throughout the year. I had to rely on my Self-Regulation skills in order to alleviate some of the stressors in my life. However, as a result of my experiences this year, I have some key takeaways:

  1. Although I no longer view grades as indicative of my self-worth, as I did during my younger PLP years, positive teacher feedback in response to my efforts is important to me.
  2. My success behaviours and good work habits laid a foundation for me to fall back to even when facing personal challenges.
  3. I am pretty darn resilient.


⏰ Looking Ahead


Goals for Grade 12:

  • Focus more on Enthusiasm for learning. This is something I struggle with when I feel disengaged in a class or when I have multiple stressors in my life.
  • Work on my Leadership skills.
  • Learn to apply my Success Behaviours in contexts beyond the classroom.