The Quibbler - Ariane’s Blog

“You’re a wizard, Ari.”



Fun with Photos… or should I say Teachers?

For “Day 4” of the Student Blogging Challenge, we were instructed to use a copyright free photo and explain how it connects to an aspect of our worldview. As shown in the visual I have made, there are several aspects… Continue Reading →

What is “Dear Evan Hansen?”

During this new quarter, our class has begun working on a Blogging Challenge. From what I understand, there are different prompts each year for each “day”. However, due to covid-19, the 2021 Student Blogging Challenge isn’t happening this year. Instead,… Continue Reading →

User Manual Reflection

We went through a fairly long but simple process for our User Manual assignment. At the beginning of this project, we asked ourselves “How can I creatively communicate who I am?” In other words, our task was to find a… Continue Reading →

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