Frankin stuffy

After all the fuss that I went through to make this project I feel….. Well I feel it wasn’t that it wasn’t a fun project it was more of a unorganized rushed idea that somewhat worked. It was a great idea to start with but the way it was planned out wasn’t a good idea, and I’m not just saying this because I did a terrible job it’s just my honest opinion. But with this project we where assigned some amazing work was made and some of those projects where outstanding. I just like to say it was a goodish way to start the year.

 Once apron a time in a far away place lived a smruf who had a friend named Fred the horse. They went walking one day out in a field but On that day China had planned to nuke the United states and unfortunately for are protagonists they where right in the way of one of those bombs! On there little walk they noticed a showdow growing over them, they look up ‘look!’ exlaimed the smurf and the two of them look up, but it was to late the bomb fell on them and detonated. After the bomb fell the two of them where mutated into what is now known as the Smorf. Shortly after the bombs fell the government needed workers at the bomb factory’s so the Smorf went looking for a job there, but only after a couple of hours of work a saw fell out of place an cut the Smorfs head off (Gasp). After a couple of days the Smorf woke up to notice that its neck was sown up, so it walk around a bit and also noticed its hearing had become super human like. With its new hearing (and other senses) it went to get another job, it later stumbled apon a farm witch it took a job as a farmer, and to this day still farms.


<video link here one its done>

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