Twill 1

This week we started to learn about Shakespear’s and his play “Romeo & Juliet” we started watching a classic version of the play and compared it to a modern version of the play. We are also doing research on Elizabethan era subjects like music, food, duelling etc. Shakespeare’s plays where great and very popular during there time and still are today they are so popular in fact that we still to this day remix and re act his plays. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most common play that is re lived. Shakespear’s plays are 1 amazing 2 well written 3 rich of story. With the new subject of “Romeo and Juliet” on the horizon I can tell are project attached to it will be HUGE and vary time consuming. We are learning about debating as well and we have already started to dive into a debate and we are currently preparing a debate, we are debating about (insert drum roll here) “should everyone be a vegetarian?” And I say NO! (Sorry about that…. I like meat a lot.) the debates are not really my thing but it’s still fun to be apart of. You just start puking out ideas all over and then you get to tell the others  they are wrong. It’s all fun intill the rebuttal…. Then it becomes a thing of warfare constant back and forth come backs and all its a planned attack one after the other all intill the last person standing. Yeah so what I think debating is.

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