Was it really a win?

So the English civil war, the king and Parlement fought a bunch parlement came on top and the king was killed. But did they really win? Did they really gain anything from taking over the king? Well in this post I’d like to explain there wins and losses.

We start our overlook here at the end of all the fighting, the parelemt has just won  the people are free, right? Well not exactly just because there is no more king it doesn’t mean that all the social injustice has left aswell presents are still being treated as they where before, taxes are still high and the rich still have some power.

first let’s look at the pro’s of being without a king. Well if you haven’t noticed nothing really nice happened after the Kings death a lot of nasty things happened. With Cromwell gaining power he divided england into 11 different areas each with its own governor. He also banned colourful clothing and makeup, he changed the saints days and many other things. After a piriod of time the people of England grew sick and tired of Cromwell and started to think they wanted there king back.

after 20 some odd years King Charles the second regained power of England during a period known as the restoration. He later restored peace among Ireland, Scotland, England.

So with this in mind I can safely say that the English Civil War was not a win it was quit clearly a loss to the people of England and was a huge mistake.

My sources




I hope one this blog post helps you learn something new


~Benjamin DeCecco

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