

Here is some music to listen to while you read.

Dreams, I once had a dream I dreamt that one day I might succeed at something….. But that never happened, dreams they lie the are not the truth, but but but they are still a place to not disrupt or interrupt, they are a place of imagination and a place to lose it all. I used to use dreams as an escape from reality, my early life was hard and full of things I’d rather not discuss I used dreams to relieve my self from the stress that my life held at the time.

dreams to me are an alternate dimension they are my place to feel safe and to feel free. Whether or not you like, dreams you could never tell me that they are not a place to get lost in because I have never known where I had been in a single dream ever!

Everyone has had dreams at least once (if you have never dreamt before please go see a doctor about your problem). If every single person has dreams, wouldn’t that decrease the chances of them being real? If all 7 billion of us believed that are dreams were real and spoke the truth then where would we be now? Just think about that for a minute. We would just be a society of people with our heads in the cloud no one would be doing anything good for anyone else but themselves.

The dreams you think that are telling you what to do or what your “destiny” is are really just your selfish thoughts. However dreams can be a pleasant place to lose your self, a surreal landscape perhaps or even an endless field. Dreams can be whatever your mind wants them to be you want a endless hall here you go. As I just said dreams can be anything that is why I believe dreams can’t be the truth about life and we shouldn’t do everything we dream about.

Twill 1

This week we started to learn about Shakespear’s and his play “Romeo & Juliet” we started watching a classic version of the play and compared it to a modern version of the play. We are also doing research on Elizabethan era subjects like music, food, duelling etc. Shakespeare’s plays where great and very popular during there time and still are today they are so popular in fact that we still to this day remix and re act his plays. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most common play that is re lived. Shakespear’s plays are 1 amazing 2 well written 3 rich of story. With the new subject of “Romeo and Juliet” on the horizon I can tell are project attached to it will be HUGE and vary time consuming. We are learning about debating as well and we have already started to dive into a debate and we are currently preparing a debate, we are debating about (insert drum roll here) “should everyone be a vegetarian?” And I say NO! (Sorry about that…. I like meat a lot.) the debates are not really my thing but it’s still fun to be apart of. You just start puking out ideas all over and then you get to tell the others  they are wrong. It’s all fun intill the rebuttal…. Then it becomes a thing of warfare constant back and forth come backs and all its a planned attack one after the other all intill the last person standing. Yeah so what I think debating is.



We have recently visited Seattle for a project.

I had a great time there all the things I’ve never seen before wow’d me. We where assigned deferent subjects from Seattle past and where told to make a video on it.. even though we where visiting many places we only got a short time to explor them because of the amount of filming we had, but we still got see and experience most of the attractions we visited they were only brief.after visiting most of the places we where left with a tone of footage we needed to narrow down to only a couple of minute and sifting through most of the clips and finding the right ones for the right thing took hours. We got to visit places like the space needle, Bill and Linda Gates foundation, EMP and many other great places, my favourite must have been the EMP just stepping into the lobby I knew I was going to have a great time. Or trip was only 3 days and to me that wasn’t long enough Seattle is so full of history to learn about and to go see I feel we could’ve stayed an extra few days. After arriving back in Vancouver it was time to start editing and putting together are video, witch ended up taking us 3 days to finish, but all that work was worth it.



Frankin stuffy

After all the fuss that I went through to make this project I feel….. Well I feel it wasn’t that it wasn’t a fun project it was more of a unorganized rushed idea that somewhat worked. It was a great idea to start with but the way it was planned out wasn’t a good idea, and I’m not just saying this because I did a terrible job it’s just my honest opinion. But with this project we where assigned some amazing work was made and some of those projects where outstanding. I just like to say it was a goodish way to start the year.

 Once apron a time in a far away place lived a smruf who had a friend named Fred the horse. They went walking one day out in a field but On that day China had planned to nuke the United states and unfortunately for are protagonists they where right in the way of one of those bombs! On there little walk they noticed a showdow growing over them, they look up ‘look!’ exlaimed the smurf and the two of them look up, but it was to late the bomb fell on them and detonated. After the bomb fell the two of them where mutated into what is now known as the Smorf. Shortly after the bombs fell the government needed workers at the bomb factory’s so the Smorf went looking for a job there, but only after a couple of hours of work a saw fell out of place an cut the Smorfs head off (Gasp). After a couple of days the Smorf woke up to notice that its neck was sown up, so it walk around a bit and also noticed its hearing had become super human like. With its new hearing (and other senses) it went to get another job, it later stumbled apon a farm witch it took a job as a farmer, and to this day still farms.


<video link here one its done>