Personified Picture

Hello! It’s Ben here and my class is doing a project about different views in photography. Our task was to take a picture of an everyday object from different angles. Bird’s eye view, worms eye view (from the ground), and a close up were my personal favourites. I decided to take photos of a rainbow football.

  • Simple Side Photo

After that we would have to take another photo shoot of things in common. I chose to take photos of a rock on a smooth road.

I then had to edit them. I had to touch up the photo and adjust the brightness. I increased saturation in one of my photos.

  • A rock on a trail

I took one of those photos and made a personified photo. Basically, I made one of the rocks alive. I took the photo and gave the rock eyes, arms, a mouth, and it is talking in the photo.

SuperRock, keeping the Stone Villians at bay!

This project really changed my view on photography, no pun intended. Photography is fun. I could definetely take photos of amazing stuff for a living. Well, that’s it for today, see you all later!

One thought on “Personified Picture

  1. Judi says:

    Hi Ben,
    I am so glad you enjoyed doing these photos. The close up one of the smooth rock on the road really highlighted the surface differences, and made a very interesting shot.
    Its quite amazing how looking at the same object in different ways, and changing the amount of light on the object, can produce such a variety of photos.
    I enjoy taking photos of objects which are under water, such as plants, or rocks, because with the movement of the water, they are constantly changing. Have you tried doing photos like that?


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