Self – Portraits

Hey guys it’s Ben again and my class was assigned an awesome project. We would have to take photos of ourselves at different angles, distances, and lighting.

Our first photo we had to take was take a self-portrait. No, a self-portrait is not a selfie, it is a photo of you taken by somebody else, or a timed photo. In my case I used a photo of me taken from my friend Anders, on top of a dumpster. No I do not know what pose I am doing. It’s just an overhead picture of me.

Our next photo was a portrait. This is a photo that makes the subject stand out and look important in the photo. For my portrait I took a timed photo of me dribbling a basketball. I told you basketball is a main factor. I did a lot of editing here, touching up the quality and making the background black and white so I would stand out. You might notice that I’m not smiling. Well that’s me. I really don’t like putting on a smile for a camera unless I have to.

The next photo is a shadowed portrait. In this photo, we have to have the light pointing towards the camera which gives the subject a shadowed face or body. In this photo, I stood and looked outside while light came in from the the sun. You might have noticed I had a change in wardrobe. I decided to dress in black for the occasion, to help with the shadowing. I did take two pictures however. One with a hood on and one without. Slide the tab in the middle to see each picture. Tell me in the comments below which one is better.

Our final photo to take is a photo from the past. In this photo I will find a picture from my past and try to re-create it. The photo I used was a mirror selfie I took when I was 4 or 5.

I learned a lot about photography in this project. Everything around you adds a part to your photo, even if it is extremely small. I probably took about 100 photos for this project, but it was worth it. I liked this project a lot. Anyways that it for now keep on reading this blog and have a nice day!

One thought on “Self – Portraits

  1. Judi says:

    I think the photo of you with the hood makes you look taller, but the one without the hood I think makes you look older.
    I hope you keep on with your photography.


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