My Worldview

Hey guys it’s Ben again and recently my class was working on worldviews. The main focus of this project was to understand what our worldview was and what made it ours. We went through a pretty long process to help us narrow down the major components and factors of our worldview and I’m going to walk you through that process today.

The Personal Worldivew Questionnaire

The first thing we did for this project was fill out a worldview questionnaire (above). This questionnaire helped me understand worldview a lot better than I did before, seeing as I had no idea what it was. Now that we had a general idea of what a worldview and a point of view was we could brainstorm what our worldview was.

Our first brainstorming session was used with the app MindNode. It is a very useful app and in this case it helped me get my ideas and thoughts onto a page much easier. My teacher, Ms. Willemse, gave us about 9 main things that we would need to brainstorm on. School, friends, gender, activities, travel, technology, family, cultural traditions, and sports. We would then find examples of how each one shaped our worldview. My first brainstorm is below and very messy.

We then took four major parts from this brainstorm and made another narrowed version of this (above). I chose family, sports, school, and geography. I then created a script talking about how those four things have shaped my worldview.

The final part of this project was to use an app called Explain Everything to basically Explain Everything about my worldview. I decided on focusing on my geography and how that shaped my worldview. It’s on YouTube now so check it out. I’ve embedded the video at the bottom of this post so be sure to check it out.

I think that this project has made me learn things about myself that I didn’t know before. I not only have a deeper understanding of worldview, but I actually understand it which couldn’t be said before this project. I had no idea that everyday things that I do and see shape who I am as a human being. Everything I take for granted has built who I am and how I act in situations. This project has not only been fun but it has allowed me to view things from different views and perspectives. Anyways, make sure to comment and have an awesome day. Stay cool 🥶😎!

3 thoughts on “My Worldview

  1. Jennifer Taillefer says:

    This was a really interesting post Ben! I like learning about how you see the world and I would like to try this process for myself as well.
    Keep loving nature!

  2. Judi says:

    What an interesting project. Perhaps if everyone understood how people’s world views were shaped, there would be more understanding in the world, and less conflict and friction. People could then celebrate differences, rather than be wary of them.
    Thanks for sharing your world views.


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