Hey guys it’s Ben and for week 10 of the blogging challenge we are tasked with writing about our experiences completing the blogging challenges.
I found doing the blogging challenge fun. It was really cool to see people from the other side of the world see what I had written. I wrote 10 posts about the Blogging Challenge and I got around 28 comments from different people and my blog was visited over 150 times during this time. My favourite post about the blogging challenge was week 7. We could write anything we wanted and I wrote about my fish and snail from the view of an invisible sheriff in the tank. If you want to read it, here it is.
I really learned a lot from the blogging challenge. During the science week, I learned that J and Q are the only letter not in the periodic table. My writing has improved greatly while writing all the posts. I couldn’t write a story at all before the blogging challenge. Now, I think I could do better and finish a story and be proud of it. Long story short, I have grown and learned a lot thanks to the blogging challenge. Peace out ✌️.