Week 6 | Emojis

Week 6 is all about emojis so to celebrate that I did three things. The first thing I did was make an emoji story prompt. I used the website byrdseed.com/emoji. This website randomly generates emojis that you can make a story out of. These were my emojis:

😴🚨🐨😘😬🥕🚪😚🐖😮🙆‍♀️🙈😻😔🚀😈🏉👨🏻😭🚉🐴🐢🐡🚇🚠🐰🚿🐞🚃🙍‍♀️🐥 👼

This was the story I came up with: 

Once upon a time there was a koala. He was a cop and he was always tired and sad because he could never find a wife. The thing he hated the most was always walking home through his door with nobody to kiss on the other side. The only other person in his house was his roommate pig who he didn’t get along with. But one day he saw this woman in the park doing yoga and he couldn’t believe his eyes. She was so pretty. So he went over to talk to her and he found out that she was leaving to go to the International Space Station. But as he was walking away sad that he was rejected yet again he had a plan. He would play rugby at the field in the park to impress her. But as he went over to register for the rugby game the man in charge there said there was no spots left. So, sad once again, our koala mad the long train trip home. It was here that he met a horse, turtle, and pufferfish. He asked the trio if they had any ideas to relieve sadness. As they were exiting the tunnel they pointed to the gondola. “Go sightseeing” they said. So the koala signed up to go on the gondola. As he got in he noticed that only him and a rabbit in the gondola. As he was riding up he got to see so much. The city, the forest behind it, and the beautiful sky. It wasn’t cheering him up though. SO he asked the rabbit if he had a way to cure sadness. The rabbit said to take a shower at the Ladybug spa. So off he went, determined clear his mind of the blues. After he took his shower he saw the woman on the train ride home. He felt like a newborn chick. He had a new chance. He realized he was happy being with himself and realized that just him was company enough. He was ready for the next chapter of his life.

The next thing I did was make an emoji math problem. Using the previous questions and answers, what is the quotient(answer) to the last question? Comment your answer down below.






The last task I did was make emoji art. I decided to do an emoji thing that I have been doing ever since I found out emojis were a thing. It is a bit of a throwback drawing and depicts the game Galaga.










Thank you for reading and looking at the different forms of expressing emojis I used. I hope you enjoyed them and if you have any questions or comment feel free to comment them down below Peace out ✌️.

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