SBC 2019 Complete!✅

Blogging Challenge 2019 is officially complete. This year it was 8 weeks of blogging, and the topics were very interesting. We did blogs on emojis and Christmas traditions, to music and photos. Personally my favourite post was week 4, where I wrote about basketball shoes, but feel free to comment down below your favourite week. 

I think this year in the blogging challenge I could have stayed a little more up to date, as I was late on a few of the weeks posts😬. Last year was a much better year for me in the blogging challenge, and one of the things I want to fix for next year is getting all of the posts in on time. This year I made 8 blog posts and participated in 8 weeks.

So if you follow this blog you know that this is a school blog and that I make regular posts on the activities and projects my class has. This blog will not be inactive for the rest of the year as we will have many projects to write and reflect on. We have already written over 5 blogs this year! One thing I do want to change this year is to write blog posts about learning experiences that were not from school. I would like to write about the time I went to UBC and learned about my dads job, or the school basketball season where I learned about teamwork and leadership.Another thing I could do is start to blog about activities or fun events that I did or went to. I will be trying to continue to blog as much as possible for the rest of 2019 and for 2020. Thank you for tuning in to my posts of the SBC 2019 and have a great rest of the year and a happy 2020!

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