Seycove – A Small School Known For A Big Sport

Seycove has always been known for their basketball program. Well, mainly the girls basketball program. The Seycove boys Basketball teams are rising as some of the better teams on the North Shore, and the grade 9 boys team is one of them. So when we were told we would be making a video that would be following an event we were taking part in, or just visiting, my first thought was one of their games. But since we didn’t have any games yet I decided to do one of our practices.

Seycove’s Grade 9 team winning the NSSSAA Championship last year


Now for the assignment itself. The video we were doing is called a “Live Event Video.” It is basically a video reporting a certain event. Our teachers were looking for all sorts of different angles, shots, and clips to show this event. Also, we would interview one of the people participating in the event. The person I interviewed is Ryan, one of the best players in the team.  He brings a good attitude and can always hype the team up for games.

The team working on ball handling


The first thing we did to plan for this video was make an action plan. In the action plan we had what type of Camera angles we wanted, different shots, interview questions, and what I would say at the event. This helped me plan what I needed to do and it let me plan out what I was gonna do in the practice and how to fit everything in.


My action plan

Then was actually filming everything. It was really tough because at the same a time I had to participate in the practice because I am part of the team. So I had to flip-flop between actually playing and filming the practice. This was really tough because I had to get my iPad out and start filming and talking the photos I wanted and then put that down and participate in the drills. Then I had to set up my iPad on the bleachers to get a good time lapse of the gym, so all in all it was very tough to balance filming and actually playing with the team. The interview was good. We did it after practice in the weight room. Ryan has good answers and if he was confused I would explain the question deeper off camera. Luckily this only happened once and it was because he didn’t hear it properly.


I think overall in this project I learned how much effort and thought is put into every camera angle. One shot can change the mood of the whole video so there must be a lot of debating what shots to get when filming an event like this where you can’t go back. The solution I found for this was to get a lot of back up footage. I hade about 5 time-lapses and only used half of one. I even got footage in the couple practices after that just so I had something to fall back on if something went wrong. I really enjoyed listening to the answers Ryan had to my questions and learning how other players viewed the team and the other people on it. It was also very fun to record the sport I love to play so I really had fun with this project. I’ll see you all in the next post and have a great 2020!

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