© 2018 benjamins

Buhdism, Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity Oh my!

Religion, religion, religion. Where should I start…

Let’s start really simple, the definition of religion:



noun: religion
  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    “ideas about the relationship between science and religion”
    synonyms: faithbeliefworshipcreedMore
    • a particular system of faith and worship.
      plural noun: religions
      “the world’s great religions”


Alright, I bet you already knew what religion is. But, in PLP, we set off to get a much better answer than that. there were two main parts to this unit that I will be writing about, the field studies, and the infographic project (My favorite being the latter).

Let’s start with the field studies, thank GOD they exist! (Oh my GOD! That was such a good joke!)

Gurdwara (Sikhism)

We went to a gurdwara, where we had to take our shoes and I think socks off too when we entered, this was a very common thing we had to do at other destinations as well, we went to eat first I believe, inside of the gurdwara, were we had rice, lentil soup, curry, and Naan bread, and if I had one meal to eat right now, it would be that again. it was delicious. then we went to a room where a man was reading hymns to people. this room was very large and very ornamental, it was mostly blue and gold, the colors of Sikhism. Then we went to the Diwan Hall, a room where the Guru Granth Sahib is stored in, and it was also very ornamental, with the colors blue and gold. The Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book of Sikhism, however, the sikhs treat it as if it were one of the living gurus.

Image result for diwan hall

Buddhist Temple

We also went to a Buddhist Temple. I found that the Buddhist Temple, felt more like a museum, because other than all the kids in PLP, I saw lots of people walking around with selfie sticks, and taking pictures of everything. But I understand why. it was beautiful. we walked through the Garden, and we went to our first stop, the statue of 10 thousand hands.

Image result for statue of 10000 hands

We also went to a place that smelled of fried rice, and a room, were we again, removed our shoes and socks. It was a dark room with no light other than some light seeping in through the small cracks between the doors. There were many small square boxes made of some sort of weaved wood strips, used for sitting, there, we learned that that place was for meditation. We were told that the girls should go on one side of the room, and the boys on the other. This was mandatory, for the buhddists believe that having the opposite gender would be distracting during meditation.

I am getting pretty close to 800 words, so I’m going to start telling you about the Infographics. We got in groups, Me, Anika, Aedan, and Lucy. We learned, that we were going to be creating an infographic about a certain religion, our groups were, Sikhism.

We watched a few videos in a series, about creating an infographic. Here’s the first one:


Here are some of the notes that I had taken when I watched the video:

There were also lots of other videos in the series, I’ll put them just below:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

So after learning what an infographic is, and how to make one, well, we made one. Me and my group started. Lucy started drawing a wire frame. Here it is:

So this was kind of what we were hoping to achieve, this was going to be a step by step guide of what each guru did.

So we started. I was mostly in charge of putting the infographic together, and designing it with a coherent color scheme and fonts. Anika, Aedan, and Lucy collected the information to put in the infographic, along with helping find the occasional icon. so we were hard at work, an eventually we got this: 

This was good, however it wasn’t good enough. We handed it in for review, and the whole class critiqued it. One of the biggest things we did wrong was the icons. When designing an infographic, only put things in that are beneficial to the reader. In our case, we just put a turban in each box of text. This doesn’t tell the reader anything. So instead, we took their advice and used it to make our work better. We got rid of all the turbans, and replaced them with an icon that represents what each guru did:

This was starting to look much better. Then we decided, that the text boxes had too much Text, so we trimmed it down:

our last major revision was this one, where we changed the color scheme completely, from red and gold to the colors of Sikhism, blue and gold. We also added an outline to the boxes to make them stand out from the background. I am very proud of what we have done. It looks amazing, and I am really happy with our result. I’ve learned about how to structure an infographic, and I’ve practices working with a group, and I have improved my graphic design theory.

My worldview video that I made, I’m quickly going to explain worldview. Everyone has a worldview, and it’s what makes them themselves! It’s how each person views society, family, and RELIGION. Here’s my worldview video:


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