For this recent project my team made a game based on chutes and ladders. I worked with Luca and Zach. The competencies that we used to make the game were:
Reasoning and analyzing
Our game explored logic and patterns and the exponent laws. We analyzed what types of games people like that can have math in them. I think I learned more about exponents by creating the questions in the game.
Communicating and representing
We had to think of a fun way to work with the expressions and present math in a concrete form. We did that by making a board and pieces and setting out clear rules to follow so people could play with exponents in the game. We refined the game board multiple times to make the game better and more interesting.
Applying and innovating
By making the game, I found how exponents could be used in many different ways. The team collaborated well. We shared tasks like thinking of the game structure, making the game board and pieces.
Overall I still don’t love exponents, but the game turned out fun and we worked well together