Tpol blog post


Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

over the year I have learned many things and found out a lot about myself. I have lots of projects that I really like that have helped me learn and I have some projects that didn’t benefit me. Some of those projects are:

WW2 comic

Revolution on trial

First film


Here are the ones I didn’t like:

7 Habits





Lab 2A

Business work

meiosis vs mitosis

Not so good:

Kahn academy



Electricity lab


Some of the things that should be changed in PLP are:

More open topics

less workbooks

no more Kahn academy

thanks for listening I hope to see you next time.

My business

For my business that I made I decided to make a smoothie company. I chose this because it is one of the things that I know how to make and it has high profits. This post is going to be short because most of it is explained in the video. Overall I really liked this and sometime I hope to create this business for real.


My first film

For my first videos I created a Silent film, a Documentary, and a tutorial video. The documentary was my favourite because I put in the most work and I made it myself. I would like to show it here but I can’t. The tutorial video is very funny because my team were mostly joking around when we made it.

tutorial video

The silent film was good but I’d rather not show it. Overall I feel like I had a good time and I want more projects like this next year.

Spring exhibition

This being the first exhibition that I have been presenting at made this interesting. I really liked this because I showed my learning. I found it to be very stressful but it did’t turn out too bad. Also while being next to Francis I saw what grade 8’s worked on, it was really good. The exhibition wasn’t the most eventful because there wasn’t much other than some parents quickly looking around. There were a few problems with my groups plans though, with signs, where people stood, and props changing shortly before or during the exhibition. I felt like I had worked quite hard and I am happy of the outcome of it.

The exhibition


Meiosis vs Mitosis

For this post I am going to briefly describe the last scimatics project. This project we created a video showing meiosis vs mitosis. The project was ok. I had a good amount of fun and learned from completing it. I am relatively proud of the video that I made. I have felt that there is not many examples of me finding a way to learn from this. I have leaned from the stepping stones though. Those stepping stones helped me by showing how to complete the main project. Over the course of the project I learned more about Meiosis and Mitosis and had a fun time.


questioning and predicting:

Over the time I spent researching for this project I have Learned more about meiosis and mitosis and I have liked it.

Planning and conducting:

I felt like I did a good job planning what I was going to do next and I worked effectively.

Scientific communication:

I put a good amount of  work creating the video and I felt like I did well even though the video was short.

My video: