Metaphor machines

For this project my group and I completed a Rube Goldberg machine. I liked it because I got to help design a type of machine I liked. I think my team did well because we worked efficiently and completed the project relatively quickly. 

Questioning and Predicting: We completed our project effectively and were interested in what we were working on. We also came up with ideas and used all of our team to complete the project.

Reasoning and Analyzing: We made complete sure that we made all of the correct measurements. We also made sure that our final product had the same measurements as it did in the rough draft.

Planning and conducting: in the final product we used multiple planks of wood, a switch, and a light bulb with wires.

Scientific Communication: We used our project to show a metaphor about a solution and it worked out great because we used it well and we were proud of what we did.

Overall I think I could have done more to help but, it worked out very well in the end.

DI reflection

As a reflection of DI I think my group and I did well at completing it. We did well, but I think we could have been better. The main challenge went well because our performance was funny but it didn’t take up all of the required time. We worked well as a team because we almost always had something to do. The team did a very good job working on everything. Overall I believe that DI was really good but if it was my choice I wouldn’t want to do Dl.

Here is my presentation


Canadian Nationalism

This most recent project that I did was about nationalism. Some things that I benefited from was that we had to research HBC and do something with it. I had some fun completing it and I am happy that it is done. I really liked it because I have learned a lot from it. My work team managed to complete a good amount of stuff. I also liked how we worked in groups because that helped me get a better caption and picture based of of their recommendations.  I have found that I have not liked the project that much because we couldn’t find our own case of nationalism and complete the project on that I would have possibly liked it more. Some of the things I learned some cool things about Canadian nationalism which are the amount of unfair trading where the British would get massive profit. Overall I have liked this project a lot but I still think it could have been better.

Our instagram here

Loon lake learning advance

For my blog I am going to show what happened on my Learning advance field trip. First of all, the leaning advance was not what I thought it was going to be like. I though that there was going to be a lot of activities and minimal work, but it ended up being the opposite. There was a lot of fun things that we did but it was overshadowed by the workload that we had. Some of the things I liked were the treasure hunt we did on the first day, laser tag gun thing and battle archery. Battle archery was the most fun because we were able to hit other people in the head with foam arrows shot out of bows. I also liked that I could go to sleep late and I liked all the options of food that was there. Overall I didn’t exactly like the learning advance because of all of the work, but because it is a learning advance I can’t get to annoyed about it, also I am exited to go on another trip.

my book:


Chemistry stories

I thought for this post I would talk about the Chemistry project that my class just finished. We just finished the chemistry stories project and I liked how creative it was. I had a lot of fun completing it because of the fact that hadn’t completed a project that was as interesting as it made it unique.

My project mindmap



I have completed this by using the models to show Ionic and covalent bonds. I have felt like I have showed it good enough.

Processing and Analyzing:

I did this by making the models for the atoms be realistic and show the atom as good as I can.

Questioning and Predicting:

I showed interest by adding detail to all the milestones in this project. I feel like I learned a lot from it.

In total I have felt good of what I have done. I have had fun completing this and I hope I do more.

My mPol blog post

mPol declaration:

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

Over the first half of the year I have got a lot of memories. Some of those memories are from doing schoolwork. Those projects include:


I noticed during this project I have Learned a lot. Some of the things are:


How use book creator better,

How to help the environment,

How our worldview helps the environment.

Chemistry stories,

For chemistry stories we learned many new things, here are some of them:

We learned more about ionic and covalent bonds,

We learned more about keynote animating,

I did some science experiments

I learned about how bad I am at animating. 

Other school related things that I have memories of are band and PE.

The things I found cool about them were that in PE I got to move around have a good amount of fun and make new friends. In band I got to play my trombone and learn new songs that I either didn’t know like  into the court of the king, and my favourite songs like Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Another thing which really interested me was that I liked how we got to sometimes got to watch Pirates of the Caribbean moves on Fridays. 

Worldview poetry

I feel pretty good about this project because I have put a good amount of work into it.

I made a quickish video showing them:

It took a good amount of work into the project and I am proud of what I have done.

Revolutions on trial

For the project that we had to, do we presented a mock trial in front of people at the winter exhibition. Before that we had to complete tasks about the revolutions. I researched the topic, did some preparation work like a mind map and other mini projects that helped me understand.  To pull the mock trial together, our team needed to work well together. I was nervous to present but proud of our work and that our side won the trial.

Video of presentation:


Continuity and Change:

I feel like I did well for this competency because I found how China changed after the revolution. I also found that if the revolution didn’t happen China would be more lopsided than it is today.


I noticed that I have helped my peers with work to help complete the goal, and I have improved by listening more to my peers which help complete group projects and personal projects.

Even though I didn’t learn as much as I wanted to, I still had fun. And I did find out some interesting facts, like one of the people that led the revolution, Sun Yat Sen, became the leader.  If I had the chance to I would have worked to improve some of the work I did by going deeper, but I am still proud of the project.

Correlation Vs Causation Reflection

For the Correlation vs Causation project we were put into groups and tasked to create a survey that asks multiple questions to determine if one thing influences the other.

Our survey was a success because of how many people answered it, but, most of them were just random answers that had no correlation to the answer.


Planning and conducting:

For this competency I think I did well because I used my iPad to help complete work and I felt like my group and I made the project as good as it could be.

Communicating and Representing

For the second competency, my team and I used words in the survey to describe what we wanted answered and we represented the answers that we got well in our presentation.

Applying and Innovating:

For the last competency I felt like I helped my team a good amount without many distractions. I think the work I did showed creativity around the survey and graphing concepts.

Overall I felt like I applied what I learned in my past milestones to help me complete this project and I had fun doing it.

My day at work

For this project I went to my dads work and I learned a lot of things. Some of the things I learned was that banking can be pretty fun and, at times, might not be that hard. My video that I made was fun to do because I could take a lot of video and I could see how good my video got.

My video:

Overall I think that this project was fun because it showed me what I can do and It let me get formularized with my dads office.