A Horrifying Project

Does anybody remember last year when we created a movie using the story of Macbeth in a World War II setting? Well that project wasn’t exactly the classes best work. But don’t worry, we got another shot to redeem ourselves. This time the task was to create a horror movie with the whole class, similar to last time. You would think we would fix our problems this time and ace this project now that it’s our second time.

We began by applying for roles so that we would have jobs that suited our strengths best in hopes it would make us work better as a team. Some of the roles assigned were definitely not suited for the right people as we later found out during the movie process. I was assigned the role of makeup and costume as I assumed I would be considering basically nobody else in the class enjoys or can do any makeup or costumes. I was quite excited considering it was a horror movie which meant some extravagant makeup and I could experiment with some new gory looks. Unfortunately when seeing the script I was quite disappointed as there was absolutely no makeup needed besides fake blood which wouldn’t even be used as makeup. The costumes as well were extremely simple since they were modern day high school students, so for the most part everyone dressed in there own clothes with a few exceptions of some accessories that helped so build the characters.

I was frustrated with this as my job had become not needed so I stood my ground and for once in my life expressed my frustration and how I disagreed with it. My words were heard and luckily for me the teachers agreed with me as they wanted to see more gore in the movie as it was a murder filled horror movie. Some adjustments to the script were made, although the script writers and directors were not too happy about it.

I had spent hours watching tutorials, practicing the makeup and brainstorming ideas of how I could execute the extremely difficult makeup looks. The end product was very disappointing as the colours on one of the looks, a face burn did not show well on camera as well as the blood had dried before filming so the look of it was not as it was when I first completed it. The second gory makeup I did was a sliced head, although this one was difficult because I had been told to do a bashed in head from being bashed on the corner of the sink. The directors changed that during filming and had the actor get her head slammed against the door. I had nothing for that kind of injury and found it difficult to create a bloody enough look as that kind of wound is not very gory or deep. It ended up looking fine on film as we poured a lot of fake blood on the wound right before filming.

Speaking of the fake blood, I made two Tupperware’s full of it. It took some time to create as getting the right consistency and colour was challenging. Most fake blood recipes make only a small amount and doubling or tripling the recipe does not work well. In the end the blood looked pretty disgusting, (in a good way). The second batch was much better as I tried a different recipe for it. Although time consuming and a little annoying, this was the easiest task of my job. 

Although going into this project we expected it to go much smoother than last time, we still ended up falling back into our same problem sands mistakes as the last movie. I because frustrated as my time was being wasted once again by spending my time outside of school sitting around waiting for hours while everyone on set fought about how the shot would look. This started to get slightly better a few days before the deadline. However, if we had respected our roles from the start then that wouldn’t have been a problem.

Doing a project as a class is a risky idea. For our class in particular it’s dangerous. We are a group of headstrong people with great ideas. Everyone wanted it to be the way they thought it should be and this caused conflict, arguments, and time being wasted. Much like last year during Macbeth. People find it hard to just let go and let the ones in charge sort things out and make the final decisions as not everyone always agreed.


The end product was about the same quality if not worse than our Macbeth movie last year. Due to a shorter time frame, angrier people, and a higher expectation we basically failed this project. The reactions from our teachers were shockingly angry and disappointed and made us feel absolutely awful. Although I agree the movie was not up to the standard that it could have been, I felt that the reaction from our teachers did not help the situation or help us to improve. Instead it just made me feel frustrated and upset after I felt that I had done as much as I could to support a dysfunctional group that wouldn’t listen.


A Note For PE

MIn today’s society mental illness is becoming much more common in the younger generations. It is a growing epidemic and the adults of this world are not doing much to help these people, let alone accept the fact that mental illness is a serious issue.

Recently in my English class we learned a little about satirical content. We were assigned a task to create a visual representation of a problem that we were passionate about in a satirical format. Right away the issue of dealing with a mental illness in high school came to my mind as I have seen conflict with this happen in my own school.

I chose to create a video highlighting the point that just because you can’t physically see something wrong with a person doesn’t mean they’re not hurt. In a PE class you are allowed to sit out if you claim you are hurting, regardless of the fact that you have a note with you or not. If a student with a mental illness, such as anxiety came up to the teacher and explained to them why they could not participate they would still be forced to as there is physically nothing wrong with them and they look capable of participating in PE. This can lead to further problems and create a possible fear of coming to that class if you know that you are going to be forced into participating.

As mental illnesses, for example anxiety, become more and more common, people are starting to accept and reach out to help those who are affected by it. However there are still some people out there who just do not understand and are not willing to understand that the brain has the most power of you and your body, therefor mental illnesses can greatly effect your day to day life, stopping you from participating in some things.

Really gets you thinking…

Southwest, the Essay

Fear ran rampant among the civilians of America as they learned what truly was behind the new atomic energy. However, despite the negative effects these atomic bombs were creating, people were too amazed by the magnificent show of lights and smoke the bombs came with. The lure of atomic bombs incentivized people to come to Vegas. Although they came for the interest in the bomb, they left with an interest in gambling. This was due to the quick growth of the economy and the city of Las Vegas.

Atomic was all the rage back in the 1950’s. Thanks to the American military and government for creating and using the first nuclear bomb to end World War II, people were using this new form of amazing energy for everything. Atomic candy, atomic comic books, atomic cereal, atomic hats. The new brand “atomic” would sell anything and everything. The city of Las Vegas used this to their advantage where they had live testing of real atomic bombs for the public to see. People from all over the place would travel to the once empty and desolate desert to see these amazing mushroom clouds of atomic energy. Las Vegas became known as the “Atomic City”, a new favourite tourist destination.

Casino owners used these atomic bombs to their advantage and advertised their hotels for people to stay in. Everything was advertised as atomic, even the bright signs were atomic like with their neon lights. People were drawn into Vegas by this attraction and when in need of a place to stay, resorted to the casino/hotels where they would try their luck on the slots and give their money unknowingly to the mob. Many hotels with a view of the test site gained popularity such as the Stardust Hotel and Casino and the Last Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. People came to see the blast and they were able to from the comfort of their hotel. They were advertised as places with a great viewing of the mushroom clouds, and therefore, people who came to see the atomic testing chose to stay in those hotels

Before nuclear energy was even invented Las Vegas was a city known by few. At the beginning of World War Two, in 1940, Las Vegas had a population of only 8,400. It more than doubled within 5 years due to the sudden interest in gambling and casinos. By the 1950’s there were 44,600 people living in Vegas and 8 million people visited annually. In 1951 the Nevada test site was started and atomic bombs were being dropped, some even for the public to see. When these tests started begin available for the public to nsee, Las Vegas had a huge influx in visitors as well as business. Before these bombs became popular to the public, Las Vegas was a much less desired vacation spot. People would fly in from all over the world to see this new and spectacular bomb being blown up. Luckily for the casino owners you could see these atomic tests from the hotels and casinos on the strip. Many times residents even threw cocktail parties and gathered outside while a test was being carried out. The economy grew as more and more people were staying on the strip and spending their money on the food and hotels to see the glorious mushroom clouds from the atomic bombs. And in the meantime while waiting for the showing of the bomb, they would pass time by spending their money on shows or in the casinos. Therefore, the mob grew its power over the economy.

The lure of atomic bombs incentivized people to come to Vegas. Although they came for the interest in the bomb, they left with an interest in gambling. People feared that without the atomic bomb showings, Vegas would lose its attraction. However, the mob made sure that Vegas would be around for awhile by created hotels and casinos that were just as exciting. Although without the atomic bombs, Vegas wouldn’t have become as popular of a destination and therefore, the economy wouldn’t have done as well without it.

TPoL, The New SLC

Here’s the big question, why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? I don’t even want to think about grade 12… 

Here we go. Another SLC, I mean TPoL. I know this time of year you’re normally seeing an SLC blog post, but our teachers decided to change it up on us this year. Instead we are doing something similar, what they like to call, a TPoL. Better known as a Transitional Presentation of Learning. Basically we reflect on our learning, our growth, our strengths, work we’re proud of, work habits and responsibility. Although this time we are adding another aspect, why we feel we are ready to advance to the next grade level.

This question stumped me at first. I thought to myself, I don’t know why I’m ready, and honestly my first thought was, “well because I passed my courses”. But then after thinking about it some more it became pretty clear with me. All of the time, effort, skills I’ve developed have prepared me for the next year, my final year in high school.

Since PLP this year consisted of English and socials, as it does every year, I thought I would share how I’ve grown as a leaner in humanities. Over the past few months of third term I feel I have improved in every way, maybe not the quality of my work, but every other way. I’ve been more confident with my work and by that I mean I’m not afraid to ask for critique anymore. Before I was always nervous about asking my teachers or peers for critique for fear of being judged, now I grew some more confidence and have started accepting more critique and I realized how helpful it is. Also I feel I’ve been diving deeper into my critical thinking by spending my time researching more. As well as I’ve been paying more attention in class. Normally I kind of half listen and don’t really absorb much of the information, but recently I’ve been focusing more and trying my hardest to listen carefully to all the information being delivered.

As I say every time we have one of these, I plan to improve on my time management skills and handing everything in on time. This time around I actually made some progress. Throughout third term I have been handing in all of my work, seriously I don’t think my showbie has ever looked better. Normally I procrastinate everything until the last minute and sometimes I don’t even do it. Recently I have been planning out my time more efficiently due to the huge work load I have had near the end of the year. I don’t know why I didn’t start doing this earlier because it had helped me feel so much better and less stressed out. Although I have been handing everything in, it may not be my best work. That is something I hope and plan to improve on. I’ve got the timing down, now I just need to work on my quality of work. This last term has been one of my best for work ethic and work habits. Although there is always room for improvement on both of those. Maybe I can work on handing things in early next year! (Or maybe not, but one can always dream).

Teamwork. Probably one of my favourite and least favourite words associated with school. When I think of teamwork I think of all the difficult times we had while working on our Macbeth project, but I also think about the amazing teamwork we had while doing our winter Exhibition. This term we had a few chances to work in teams. For example we were put into teams based around lord of the flies. We were awarded and denoted points for work handed in, being on time, participation in class, all the basics of the classroom. This forced us to try extremely hard to be our best. I had to take on a responsibility for my team to make sure I was holding my own so I wouldn’t bring them down. This competition actually made me hand in all of my work on time, which almost never happens, however it wasn’t my best work. We worked hard in our teams for our debates. That was probably one of the best teams work wise this year. We collaborated well together and fought hard in our debates.

I’d say some of the work I’m most proud of this year would have to be the debate, althoughI I didn’t get the chance to talk during it, it was one of the projects I worked the hardest on. We spent so much time preparing our concepts and practicing rebuts. We were prepared and worked very well together.

Another project I’d say I’m most proud of is the concept blog post we recently completed. I spent a lot of time focusing on this one. Previously we had written concept paragraphs in class. Our task was to choose one of these and elaborate more on it in a blog post. I turned my paragraph into a somewhat essay and related two more topics to the concept. Then I created s visual to help the reader better understand the concept. Overall I feel I worked hard on this task and the product came out well.

Grade 12 is only in 2 months. Seems like a lot closer when you put it like that. Just thinking about it makes me nervous. Although I may not have thought I was prepared for this, I know I am. After all the hard work I’ve put in this year, not just in PLP, my growth in learning, my responsibility over my work, and most importantly I think, my procrastination. Next year is gonna be my last year of high school and I feel I have never been more ready for it to come.

A Violent Human Nature

Violence is something as a society most people frown upon. However there are still many people out there in the world who resort to violence as a solution. Others who claim to be non-violent and fight against acts like that are still prone to thoughts of violence and even have outbursts of their own from time to time. Does this mean every person can ensue violence or is it in our human nature to be violence?

The book Lord of the Flies draws upon the inner nature of savageness that lies within each of us. Being violent is something that couples well with savagery and in fact most savages are quite violent as we see with the character Jack. “Jack transferred the knife to his left hand and smudged blood over his forehead as he pushed down the plastered hair.” – Lord of the Flies. This was at the very beginning of the story, before Jack turns completely savage and we see that even early on, he had an underlying savage and violent manner. Before landing on the island in the story the Lord the Flies, the boys were proper young British boys who obeyed all the rules and stuck to the typical format of a non-violent society. As the days passed by on the island the boys began killing animals for food, which they all found a thrill in, “(Jack) tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up,” – Lord of the Flies. The more the boys killed for food, the more violent they became. They started killing the animals on the island just for the fun of it. This led to them even becoming violent towards one another, and killing their own. But how could these young British boys turn into complete violent savages so quickly? Does this mean that it is in our human nature to be violent?

As much as we try to be nice and civil to everyone and everything in our world, people still tend to drift back to the underlying instinct within them to be violent. Being violent doesn’t always mean you are conducting a physical act of violence. It could also mean you are saying or even writing violent ideas. In our society today we see how popular books and movies that are violent or have violence in them are, but we forget to look back on the past entertainment as well. The play Macbeth was gruesome, evil, and violent. It’s not just today’s society that uses violence for entertainment. In the time of Macbeth and even before that things for almost more violent then they are now. Does this mean people have always been violent? In the story of Macbeth we see how the main character Macbeth fights against his beliefs and listens to his wife, Lady Macbeth, into killing the king. This he immediately feels bad about afterwards but he still went against his own thoughts and beliefs to inflict and act of violence upon someone else, and therefor, kills another. Lady Macbeth although doesn’t inflict the initial act of violence, is the one who conducts it. This shows us that there are more then one way to be violent, not just with physical actions.

Not only does violence occur in stories, but it happens day to day in difference societies all over the world. Especially in the past. World War Two was one of the most violent and savage wars there was. As humans in the past, and sometimes still today, we resorted to violence and war as a way to solve our problems and disputes. Instead of choosing to solve things in a civil manner, our human nature chose to be violent as if that were a better way to solve things. Wars are generally some of the most violent times in history, but sometimes the violence carries on after the war once soldiers have returned home. In the bombed-out ruins of Europe’s cities, feral gangs scavenge for food. Old men are murdered for their clothes, their watches or even their boots. Women are mercilessly raped, many several times a night. And the wrong surname, even the wrong accent, can get you killed. for hundreds of millions of Europeans, many of them now gentle, respectable pensioners, this was daily reality in the desperate months after the end of World War II. The violent acts and thoughts continued on with them after the war had finished and although for most when they left for the war not wanting to kill, they came back with a blood thirst for violence. Maybe this violent nature was always there for them.

The way we act and the way we think may differ when it comes to violence. Since society has told us that violence is bad we try to erase those thoughts and forget about them, for some this is more challenging to achieve and they end up being violent. This means that no matter how much you may hide it, everybody has violent thoughts and violent outbursts no matter how small they may be. Therefor, violence is in our human nature, no matter how much we try to fight it, there will always be an underlying urge to be violent in some sort of way.

Southwest, the Project

Over the years of being in PLP, we have done many different types of projects varying from essays, videos, explain everything’s, and for some, even puppet shows. However, we tried a new form of project to demonstrate our learning this time, the video Essay.

Video Essay definition: A video essay is a written essay read aloud and mixed with a stream of images, sound, or video. They often explore topics in a subjective or poetic manner.

Now when we first heard the news that this would be our project following our trip to the Southwest, I wasn’t too thrilled. We watched an example in class of what one of these video essays might look like and wow it was pretty amazing. After watching it sure I was inspired to do my own and do it well, but I was a little worried because of the amount of work that was put into it as well as how well it was done. I worked with Anatolia on this project and it definitely did not end up being as good as the example we saw.

To start off the project we traveled all the way down to Tucson Arizona, and Las Vegas Nevada, (which of course isn’t necessary, but was amazing nonetheless). Before leaving for the trip we had been learning about atomic energy, the mob, and everything under the concept of fear around the time of the 50’s in Las Vegas and America. And of course we created our question for our project. For ours it was. We then took the flight, very early in the morning I might add, and traveled down to the southwest to experience and learn even more about what we had been talking about in class.

During the trip we had the opportunity to get video, pictures, interviews, and find even more information for our topics and video essays. When we returned from our trip we used all of this new information, as well as our previous knowledge from class and brought it all together in an informative expository essay. Here’s a link to the essay: Southwest Essay

After getting our Essay approved by our teachers, we moved on to the video aspect of the project. We had to take our Essay and record it as audio, with a few changes to better the video content of course. Then we took that and found videos, pictures and used our own videos, pictures and interview clips from the trip to enhance our written aspect and create an image for the viewers to use to better understand our essays.
This was more challenging then expected because of course we didn’t get as many clips and pictures from Vegas as we had hoped because we ended up altering our topic when we returned from the trip. At first we were focusing on the mob so we got a lot of footage for that, but when we returned we changed our focus more to the atomic bomb and the economy of Vegas. And it is completely our fault for not recording everything, which now looking back we should have. Since we didn’t we have had to find and create our own footage and images to use for our video. This has made things a little more challenging for us.

Honestly we had a slow and rough start to this project. We didn’t collaborate well and therefor we were left with a terrible and not finished first draft. I spent hours after receiving the feedback and critique fixing, adding, and editing our video. It took a long time to get our video to an acceptable state, and I still wish I could go back and edit a few more things.

Before this unit I had never heard of a video Essay and when I first heard about them I was not excited to be creating my own. After completing this project I realized that it wasn’t that bad to do. I always have enjoyed writing essays, (well not enjoyed, but they’re probably my favourite to do over most other things), so by incorporating an essay into a project I used one aspect of a project that I liked and used another, the video, as something that I need to improve on and want to get better at. This project showed me a new form of presenting my learning and I’m glad we did it. It was something different and engaged me in the project more then doing something that we normally do would have.


The Debate of the Year

The end of the school year has come once again, and we all know what that means, exhibition time. This year, unlike my past two years in the PLP program, we didn’t do any blue sky projects, (which not gonna lie, I’m kind of happy about). Instead as I explained earlier on in the year, we have done different types of projects. We created an immersive experience for our winter exhibition and that was extremely fun to create and present. This time we tried something a little different. A debate battledome.

Recently in class we have been studying a few things. The Canadian government system as well as other government systems, Lord of the Flies, and finally debates. We spent about 3 weeks to a month doing all of this and wow can I just say that it was hectic. All of our class time was spent learning about these topics and preparing for our big debates. We were put into teams of 3, these were the teams that we would debate with. My team was made up of myself, Cashel, and Jackson. Going into it we were all pretty confident we would do well as we all enjoy doing debates.

The night had finally come. Thursday night, our exhibition night. We had spent all of our time in class preparing ourselves for this and we were all ready to do our best and destroy the debates in the battledome. We spent our time after school practicing and preparing as a team for our great debate. We were looking over our concept charts we had made in and out of class and practicing thinking on the spot. Now was the time and the three of us in our group were prepared and ready to battle.

We got the news that we would be the first ones up and debating. That was the most relieving and stressful news all at once. I was glad to be going first so that I wouldn’t be nervous thinking about it later, but at the same time I was dreading going up. I was surprisingly 100% calm right up until the moment we walked up in front of everyone. I don’t think I’ve ever shook that much in any presentation. As prepared as I was I was still extremely nervous. While we were debating I was trying to type notes and points for my team and had to retype everything five times because I was shaking so much. Honestly my only fear at that point was dropping my iPad from shaking so much.

Our team did really well in our debate, despite the fact that the results didn’t show it. We were well spoken, had good points and strong rebuttals. I’m proud of the work we did in our first round. Even if we did get eliminated. Since we technically lost the first round, we then had to fight in the losers bracket a little later on in the night and boy did we kill that one. For this second debate it was all based upon audience votes and we had an almost unanimous vote for us. It was insanely fun to debate that second time because at that point we were all riled up and prepared to take down the other team. I guess the name “debate battledome” was quite appropriate for our exhibition then.

Here’s the winning team, Michael Sutherland, Christopher Ross, and Maria Melhado

Overall I feel this was a new and extremely helpful learning experience for us all. It forced us to think on our feet, use our witty abilities to come back with good rebuts, and create well thought out points quickly. I enjoyed my time at the debates and feel it was a god choice for our exhibition this spring, even if we didn’t win it was still a fun event and project. Although next year I wouldn’t mind trying something different again.

Fear of a Soldier

There you are, walking down the street slowly at night. You approach a dark corner and become hesitant, your heart beating faster, your breathing quickening, mind racing. Every evil thought comes into your mind. What could be around that corner. With sweaty palms you slowly reach for the wall to get a grip on something so you don’t fall over, then carefully move your head first then your body to follow and turn to peer around the corner. You jump as you see a figure on the ground. However it is only a stray cat and runs away when it sees you. Fear took over your mind in this situation and made you take a safe scenario and turn it into a horrifying task. For most soldiers they went through the same thought process in World War Two, however for them it wasn’t a stray cat around the corner, but am enemy soldier ready to attack.

A few weeks ago we had the amazing privilege and opportunity to have a man named Helmut Lemmke, a World War Two veteran, come into our classroom and speak to us about his stories and experiences from the time when he was on the battlefield.

Helmut Lemmke 1944

Mostly in class we learn about the ally side of the war, stories from British, Canadian and American soldiers. However Mr. Helmut Lemmke is German and fought on the Russian front for the axis side. Hearing his point of view on the war wasn’t that different then from some of the stories of a Canadian during the war. They all had one great thing in common. Fear. 

Our class meeting Helmut, March 2017

We heard of many times where Helmut was scared as he was fighting in the war. This lead me to think about the concept of fear more and how it effected the soldiers fighting. I created the question, “In what ways did fear help and protect soldiers during the war?”

Gabi, Anatolia and I sat down together and discussed this concept along with Gabi’s concept of creativity in the face of danger. We talked about stories Helmut had told us, connected our two ideas and talked about the similarities of the two and put this discussion into a podcast for you all to listen.


Last SLC (Please)

Welcome to yet another SLC by yours truly. I think this is my fifth one now. WOW! 5 SLC’s, that’s quite a lot of work. And for those of you who just love SLC’s so much and reading all about my learning, don’t worry, there will most likely still be 3 more after this one. 

SLC’s, also known as student led conferences, are something my PLP class does twice a year, one in the winter and one at the end of the year in spring time. They give us the oppurtunity to present our learning, show off what we are most proud of, as well as show a piece of work that proves our growth mindset. And of course we talk about our goals and how we plan to achieve them. This isn’t my first rodeo so by now these presentations are a breeze. Looking back on my first one I kind of laugh. I remember shaking the whole time and I had gone over and practiced the script so many times so that I would be prepared and wouldn’t mess anything up. Now I don’t even think twice about worrying, of course I still practice my script thought. It’s never good to go into anything and just wing it.

So listed below are pieces of work from my portfolio that represent something different from my learning.

The first, my winter exhibition blog post. This was a project we worked on as a class back before winter break in December. We transformed the gym into an immersive experience that would take you through the time of World War One.

Winter Exhibition – Most Proud of

The next piece is my Hanford/Oregon blog post. This was a project where I showed my learning and development in movie making skills. I compare it back to my Frankenstuffie video which I made in grade 9, so two years ago, and see how much my skills have developed and how far I have come.

Hanford Video – Learning

Frankenstuffie Blog Post – Comparing of Learning

Finally the Macbeth movie project. This is a project that is currently ongoing as of right now and will be finished before spring break. However throughout the process of creating this movie as a class I believe I have shown my growth mindset the most.

Macbeth Blog Post – Growth Mindset

Macbeth Movie Progress

“Fair is foul and foul is fair,” (Macbeth). This famous quote from the Shakespeare play, Macbeth, means things that look pretty (“fair”) will become ugly (“foul”) and things that are ugly will become beautiful, which describes exactly how this Macbeth movie project is going.

Our class is currently working on a collaborative project where we have to use the play of Macbeth and create a movie using that storyline but in a different setting. Since we were most recently learning about World War II, that is the setting where our movie will take place. The whole class is working together on this one movie, which when you think about it sounds like it’s going to be a disaster. Currently it is a disaster, but it didn’t start out that way.

When we first began the project everybody was bouncing ideas off of each other and for the most part everyone was really excited to get going. We were all given roles and were then set off to begin. The script writing went well and so did preparing the costumes and props. However, as soon as the filming started things started to go down hill. Since everyone in our class has very different personalities and ways of working we found it challenging to get anything done in a short amount of time. There was always one person who wouldn’t like the way we filmed a scene or wouldn’t like how the actors presented themselves so we would have to re do it and try another way. In reality we probably shouldn’t have listened because if only one person was complaining about how they didn’t like it, then oh well, you can’t please everyone. Especially not when there are 25 of you working on one project.

The filming process has involved a lot of out of school time, which I know for myself and a lot of people is challenging to do considering we all have a lot of extra curricular activities and homework from other challenging classes. We never had one day where everyone showed up and I don’t think we will have one day like that. However we have managed to work through these bumps slowly, (and with a lot of fighting). Currently our project has been reduced and we have plans to continue filming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all day. Here’s to hoping everything goes well and nobody else gets into any more fights!

On a better note, my job on this movie is costumes and makeup. I was in charge of designing all of the costumes to make sure they fit the roll of soldiers from WWII. Also I have had to do makeup for the actors. I transformed three people into dead civilians/ghosts. And what I find the most fun to do and what I have done most of is create fake gashes and cuts on people. Of course I didn’t do all of it alone. Maria was a big help and I’d say we both worked equally on making sure all of our actors looked beaten up enough.

The Macbeth movie project is still a work in progress and I will post again once the product has been completed. Hopefully that will be in the next week if we stay on top of all our work and filming days.