New quarter, new class. Our first scimatics project was rather short- Just for us to get a feel of what scimatics would be like. The driving question for this project was “What fraction of our time is screen time?” From my calculations, I spend just over 1/4 of my week on screens.
In this project, we made a spreadsheet that calculated what time we spend doing things like screen productivity, entertainment, exercise, sleep, etc. We started right away on making the spreadsheet so that we could track a complete week. Most of us did not have a bunch of previous knowledge with the Numbers app so we learned some really cool tricks on how to use numbers and how to customize cells. The competency that went along with this part of the project was Understanding and solving: Visualize to explore mathematical concepts.
Another one of the competencies we were learning was how to represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms. We were showed how to add pie charts and graphs to display the data we collected in different forms. The goal was to find as many ways to display the data as possible. I made 6 pie charts, 4 bar graphs, and 1 line graph.
We also did lots of homework practise sheets to strengthen our knowledge of fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, and percents. I was pleased to find out that I’m actually pretty good at working with fractions because I know that those skills will help me in the future. I used the competency of applying and innovating by being productive and using my class time wisely. My table partner and I talked often and helped each other out when we got stuck on a question or task.
I really enjoyed colour-coding my screen time tracker and it was super fun to try to find different graphs and charts to make. I was glad to find out that I don’t spend an incredible amount of time on my screens but I would like to try to bring that number down a bit. Also I’m not entirely sure what I was doing on Thursday but apparently I had a lot of screen time that day. Anyways, thank you for reading my short reflection of my Screen time tracker 2020.
As always, Brooke.