Destination Procrastination

A blog for kids who can’t read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too


D.I. Part two. Kind of.

Hi everyone, I’m back for the D.I. Provincials, but I did not go. I had a different provincial competition at the same time, the Provincial Marksmanship Competition. So I will talk about that instead. But first, a little bit about D.I.. My team mates Sam and Kiera did really well at the tournament – good job guys! Going in to the tournament, we decided to change all of the story and the plot line because only half of our 4 person team was able to attend. We liked the effect of having the story rhyme, so we stuck with that. This is the link to the video of their performance:D.I. Provincials

OK, now to talk about the marksmanship competition. So to start off, I am a cadet at 2573 6 Field Combat Engineers. We started out the year with an open invitation for anyone in the corps to come out to the Monday night marksmanship practices. The officers then started to pick 5 cadets to be on a team, and two substitutes, so 7 marksmen on the team. I was picked to be one of the 5 marksmen to go to competition. Our first competition went well, first place in the region, and I placed 3rd in individuals. Then came the big one – Provincials! This is the first time our core has gone to provincials as a team. We were all really excited to go. So on Friday we left school early to get on a bus to go to Victoria. For this competition we had to shoot 3 rounds of 20 shots lying down on the first day. The second day we are standing for 1 round of 20, then one round of 10. Going to the competition was one of the best times in my life hanging out with my team. But I did not just hang out with them, I met a lot of new people too. We had a lot of fun from playing cards to going to downtown Victoria, from the bus ride to the ferry ride. But we were there to compete. The first round was the most nerve racking, but after that we got a hold of everything and shot very well. Click on the links below for two videos of the competition (we are the ones in the red blue and back jackets).

News story

My interview

We slept in barracks on a navel base. To be honest it was a really really nice base for the navy. I got some good pictures of the ships. As well as Canadian ships there were also New Zealand ships in port.

While I wish I could have done both Provincial competitions, I am really proud of how well my D.I. Team did without me, and how much I was able to contribute to my Marksmanship Team. It was an exciting weekend for everyone.

calebe • April 15, 2018

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  1. Kiera April 17, 2018 - 6:33 pm Reply

    Awesome post, Caleb! Nice description about the navy competition! You might want to consider adding some more pictures throughout and some links to your DI team’s blogs as well as maybe a link to the cadets website.

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